How to Fix a Water Damaged iPhone: A Solution for Oxford Residents

Rahul Rathore
4 min readOct 3, 2023


How to Fix a Water Damaged iPhone

We’ve all been there — that heart-stopping moment when your iPhone takes an unexpected plunge into the water. Whether it’s a sink mishap, a rainstorm, or an accidental dip in the Thames, water damage can be a nightmare for iPhone users in Oxford. But fear not! In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to revive your water-damaged iPhone and get it back to its fully functional self.

1. Assessing the Damage

Before diving into the rescue operation, you need to assess the extent of the damage. Is your iPhone completely submerged, or did it just have a brief encounter with water? The severity of the damage will dictate your course of action.

2. Turning Off the iPhone

If your iPhone is still on, turn it off immediately. Water and electronics don’t mix well, and keeping the device powered can lead to further damage.

3. Drying Your iPhone

Gently pat your iPhone dry with a clean, lint-free cloth. Be sure to remove any visible water droplets from the surface.

4. Rice: A Friend or Foe?

You might have heard the old trick of placing your iPhone in a bag of rice. While this can help absorb moisture, it’s not always the best solution, as we’ll discuss in detail later.

5. Using Silica Gel

Silica gel packets, those little sachets you find in shoeboxes, can be a better option for drying out your iPhone. They’re designed for moisture absorption and can be more effective than rice.

6. The Rice vs. Silica Gel Debate

We’ll weigh the pros and cons of rice and silica gel to help you make an informed decision on which method to use.

7. Avoiding Common Mistakes

Learn about the common mistakes people make when trying to fix water-damaged iPhones, so you can avoid them and increase your chances of success.

8. Opening Up the iPhone (if necessary)

In some cases, you might need to open up your iPhone to ensure thorough drying. We’ll guide you through this delicate process.

9. Cleaning and Residue Removal

Water damage often leaves behind residue that can further harm your iPhone. Discover how to clean and remove these remnants safely.

10. Testing Your iPhone

After drying and cleaning, it’s time to test your iPhone. We’ll show you what to look for and how to ensure it’s working as expected.

11. When to Seek Professional Help

If your iPhone remains unresponsive despite your efforts, it’s crucial to know when it’s time to seek help from professionals who specialize in iPhone repair.

12. Preventing Future Water Damage

Learn valuable tips to protect your iPhone from water damage in the future, so you can avoid this stressful situation altogether.

13. Conclusion

In conclusion, dealing with a water-damaged iPhone can be stressful, but with the right steps and precautions, you can increase your chances of a successful revival.

14. FAQs About Water Damaged iPhones

Q: Can I use a hairdryer to speed up the drying process?

A: It’s not recommended, as the heat from a hairdryer can cause more damage. Stick to gentle drying methods.

Q: How long should I leave my iPhone in rice or silica gel?

A: Ideally, leave it for at least 24–48 hours to ensure thorough drying.

Q: What if my iPhone doesn’t turn on after drying?

A: Don’t panic. It might need professional attention. Refer to section 11.

Q: Is water damage covered by Apple’s warranty?

A: Generally, no. Water damage is typically not covered by warranties, so taking precautions is essential.

Q: Can I use my iPhone while it’s in the drying process?

A: It’s best to keep your iPhone off during drying to prevent further damage and short-circuits.

In conclusion, dealing with a Water-damaged iPhone can be a nerve-wracking experience. However, by following the steps outlined in this guide, you can significantly improve your chances of reviving your beloved device. Remember, patience is key, and if all else fails, seek professional assistance to get your iPhone back in working order. And don’t forget to take preventive measures to keep your iPhone safe from water damage in the future.

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Rahul Rathore

I am Rahul and I am working as Sr. Digital Marketing Executive at Repair My Phone Today. Visit Site: