Why Node JS as your back-end?

Rahul Fernando
2 min readFeb 12, 2020


Are you developing a application? which framework you prefer to use as your backend?

There are many frameworks for you like Ruby on Rails, Laravel, Flask, Django. Lot of larger scale applications use Node JS. It’s hard to escape the gravitational pull of JavaScript and its ubiquity on the modern Web.

Node JS currently offers a huge number of off-the-shelf solutions, and it works for a wide variety of projects, including games. It is an asynchronous platform based on non-blocking input-output operations.

Asynchronous I/O is a form of input/output processing that permits other processing to continue before the transmission has finished.

If the project is going to be complex, several aspects will influence including data sources that are dynamically delivered to server. Client often need apps that use a web application as a front-end and mobile applications on several platforms.

In that case, it makes lots of sense to separate endpoints and services to provide responsible data.

Similarly, if the data comes not only from user activities but also, CSV files, Excel files, external APIs or IoT devices, it’s tempting to divide these processes into separate modules. This approach is close to microservice architecture, and Node JS ecosystem is closer to that than any other web technologies that I have mentioned above.

If we talk about performance and scalability, Node JS built upon Google Chrome’s V8 runtime that written in c++ and built for multiple operating systems. Both V8 and Node are frequently updated with security patches, performance optimization and support for JavaScript features.

Another feature of Node is long term support, things are constantly shifting and new technologies rise and fall, sometime without even entering long term support. According to the 2018 Node JS user survey report, 61% of programmers consider long term support for Node JS an important feature.

Node JS easy for cross-platform development also, same team working on web app can deliver a desktop application without having knowledge of C#, Objective-C or any other languages required for building native apps.

I use Node JS for my back-end development, I prefer Node JS. If you not select one I hope this will help you.

