Designing for Trust

Rahul Saini
2 min readJan 23, 2023


(From my presentation in UXNow 2022)

There are moments in a life of a designer when he feels that his work or designs are nothing short of magic, there are moments when his customer gives him a chance to feel that the magic he has build is serving them well.

While designing for Paytm I had such moments and they lead to loads of insights about designing for 500Million Users. But there is one key ingredient which stands out as the core of our philosophy. TRUST


Payments is a business of trust

When it comes to designing apps, trust is everything. Users will only use and continue to use an app if they trust it to provide a seamless and intuitive experience. That’s why designing for trust should be the core of any app design philosophy.

Designing for trust means designing for users’ needs. Every screen, every feature, and every principle should be centered around creating a sense of trust with the user. This is achieved by creating a consistent, flexible, and adaptable design system(Keep a check for my blog on Design System) that is visually stunning and easy to use. Additionally, the design should be transparent and secure, ensuring that users feel safe when using the app.

Collaboration and open communication among designers, engineers, and product managers are key to designing for trust. By working together, the team can ensure that the design is solving problems and creating value for users. Testing, learning, and iterating are also important to ensure that the design is meeting users’ needs and gaining their trust.

Ultimately, designing for trust is about creating simple, intuitive, and trustworthy experiences for users. A app that is designed with trust in mind will not only attract users but also encourage them to continue using it.

In conclusion, designing for trust should be at the core of any app design philosophy. By focusing on creating a sense of trust with users, app designers can ensure that their apps are successful in the long-term.

In my next blog I will talk about the 5 Key Principles I follow that helps me create magical experiences for our users.

