Transformative Leadership: Alok Kumar Agarwal Alankit and the Alankit Group

Rahul Sharma
3 min readDec 4, 2023


Introducing Mr. Alok Kumar Agarwal Alankit, a dynamic entrepreneur fueled by a relentless passion for numbers. As a Chartered Accountant with a knack for numerical intricacies, Mr. Agarwal showcases astute business acumen. Unfazed by challenges, he possesses a keen understanding of the importance of effective marketing strategies.

The credit for the establishment of Alankit Group goes to Mr. Alok Kumar Agarwal Alankit. Despite hailing from a humble background, he has successfully transformed the company into a leading force in India’s market, earning widespread recognition. Mr. Agarwal is a distinguished Chartered Accountant, and his journey exemplifies the power of dedication and vision in the business world.

Alok Kumar Agarwal

Under the leadership of Mr. Alok Kumar Agarwal Alankit, the Alankit Group has flourished into a formidable entity within the Indian business landscape. His visionary approach and strategic insights have been instrumental in the company’s growth and success. Mr. Agarwal’s commitment to excellence extends beyond financial acumen, as he places great emphasis on fostering a culture of innovation and customer-centricity within the organization. Under his guidance, the Alankit Group has diversified its services to cater to a wide range of sectors, earning a reputation for reliability and efficiency.

Beyond his professional achievements, Mr. Alok Kumar Agarwal Alankit remains actively engaged in philanthropic endeavors. Believing in the importance of giving back to society, he has initiated various social responsibility programs through the Alankit Foundation. These initiatives reflect his commitment to making a positive impact on the community and underline the multifaceted leadership that Mr. Agarwal brings to both business and social spheres.

How Alok Kumar Agarwal Explores The World Of Peer-To-Peer Lending?

Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending in India works through online platforms that connect people or businesses needing funds with investors seeking promising opportunities. These platforms make the lending process smoother by skipping traditional financial middlemen. When borrowers apply for loans and share details about the purpose and their financial background, P2P platforms evaluate their creditworthiness using a mix of traditional credit scores and alternative data.

Once a loan hits its funding goal, the P2P platform sends the funds to the borrower. Borrowers agree to the terms, including interest rates and repayment schedules. During the repayment phase, borrowers make regular installments, and the lenders benefit from interest payments. P2P platforms play a crucial role in overseeing the repayment process, ensuring transactions go smoothly, and implementing strategies to manage risks and protect investors’ interests.

Alok Kumar Agarwal Alankit highlights the inclusive nature of P2P lending, stating, “One of its unique features is its inclusivity, allowing even small investors to actively take part. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) often struggle to get financial support from traditional banks. Without more financing options, these smaller businesses, given their modest size, might face difficulties. SMEs are likely to turn to P2P lending FinTechs for the support they need.

