Understanding JavaScript DOM Element Selection: querySelector vs getElementById

Rahul sharma
2 min readFeb 21, 2024


When working with JavaScript and manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM), selecting HTML elements is a common task. Two methods, `querySelector` and `getElementById`, are frequently used for this purpose. In this blog post, we will explore the differences between these methods and understand when to use each.

Check Demo. : JavaScript DOM Element Selection: querySelector vs getElementById


The `querySelector` method is a versatile tool for selecting elements based on CSS-style selectors. It allows you to target elements using various criteria such as class names, tag names, or attributes. Here’s a brief overview of its key aspects:

1. Syntax: `document.querySelector(selector)`
2. Returns: The first element that matches the specified CSS selector.
3. Usage: Ideal for scenarios where you need flexibility in selecting elements based on different criteria.


const element = document.querySelector('#myElementId');


