How the Web works : A Beginner’s Guide

2 min readAug 21, 2024


1. Frontend (Client-Side)
What is it?
- The frontend is everything the user interacts with on a website. It includes the visual elements (UI), how data flows (input/output), and how users interact (e.g., clicking buttons, entering text).

Why is it called “client”?
- The term “client” comes from client-server architecture. The “client” (browser) sends requests to the “server” and receives responses.

- HTML: Structures the content (like headings, paragraphs, etc.).
- CSS: Styles the content (colors, layout, fonts).
- JavaScript: Adds interactivity (animations, data fetching).

Frontend Frameworks:
- React, Vue, Angular, Svelte: These frameworks make it easier to build complex UIs by organizing code better.
- Why use frameworks? A framework provides a structured way to build applications, saving time and effort.

Framework vs. Library:
- Framework: Provides a complete structure (like a blueprint) for building an application.
- Library: Offers specific tools or functions you can use as needed (e.g., React is a library for building UIs).

2. Backend (Server-Side)
What is it?
- The backend is the engine behind a website. It handles requests from the frontend, processes them (using business logic), interacts with the database, and sends back the appropriate response.

Why is it called “server”?
- The term “server” refers to the computer system that serves or responds to the requests sent by the client.

- Backend Frameworks: Laravel, Node.js, .NET, Django, Spring Boot
- These frameworks help in building and organizing backend logic efficiently.

3. APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)
What is it?
- An API is a bridge that connects the frontend with the backend. It allows them to communicate by sending data back and forth.

Why is it important?
- APIs enable different parts of a web application to work together, even if they are built with different technologies.

4. Databases
- SQL Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite
— Data is stored in tables (rows and columns).
- NoSQL Databases: MongoDB, Cassandra
— Data is stored in JSON-like format (documents).

5. HTTP Verbs/Methods
- GET: Retrieve data.
- POST: Send new data to the server.
- PUT: Update existing data (replaces it entirely).
- PATCH: Update parts of existing data (no reinjection).
- DELETE: Remove data.

6. HTTP Status Codes
- 200: OK (Request was successful).
- 404: Not Found (The requested resource doesn’t exist).
- 500: Internal Server Error (Something went wrong on the server).

- Whatever you do, strive to be the best at it. Understanding these concepts deeply will make you proficient in web development.

Next Steps:
- Dive into each of these topics with real examples.
- Practice building small projects to solidify your understanding.

This structured approach will help you grasp the concepts better and apply them effectively.

