Data Structure Program in Swift Part 1

Raghvendra Singh Rajawat
3 min readAug 19, 2024


  1. Longest Subarray length from the given Value
var arr = [1,2,3,5,7,3,10]
let k = 10
func longestArray(arr:[Int],k:Int) -> Int {
var longestSum = 0
for i in 0..<arr.count {
var sum = 0
for j in i..<arr.count {
sum += arr[j]
if sum == k {
longestSum = max(longestSum, j-i+1)
return longestSum
print(longestArray(arr: arr, k: 10))

The output of this program will be 3 because the longest subarray for sum 5 is [2,3,5], In the above program I used two loops the first loop started from 0 and the second loop started from I.

In the second loop, I increased the sum by array value and compair with K if it is equal to K then I found the longest value between the previous longest and the current by using the max function.

2. Find the number that appears ones.

var arr = [1,1,4,1]
func singleNumber(_ nums: [Int]) -> Int {
var arrDic = [Int:Int]()
for item in nums {
arrDic[item,default: 0] += 1
var singleElement = 0
for item in nums {
guard let count = arrDic[item] , count == 1 else {continue}
singleElement = item
return singleElement

The Output of this program will be 4 because 1 is coming four times but 4 is coming one time. In the above program, I used two loops in the first loop I created a dictionary that contained the frequency of the array element and in the second loop I checked which element had one frequency after getting this I broke the loop.

3. Remove Duplicate Elements from array

var arr = [1,1,2]
func removeDuplicate(arr:[Int]) -> [Int] {
var arrDic = [Int:Int]()
for item in arr {
arrDic[item,default: 0] += 1
var nonDuplicateArr = [Int]()
for item in arr {
guard let count = arrDic[item] , count > 0 else { continue }
arrDic[item] = 0
return nonDuplicateArr
print(removeDuplicate(arr: arr))

The output of this program will be [1,2] because I removed duplicate item 1, In the above example I have created a dictionary that contains the frequency of each element. In the next loop, I have made a new array that contains only single frequency element

4. Left Rotate the Array by k th place k will be any number

var arr = [1,1,2,-100]
func rotate(_ nums: inout [Int], _ k: Int) {
let n = nums.count
var i = 0
while i < k {
let temp = nums[n-1]
nums.remove(at: n-1)
nums.insert(temp, at: 0)
i += 1
rotate(&arr, 2)

The output of this program will [2,-100,1,1], In the above program I have created a while loop. that will execute till the value of I is greater than or equal to K.

Suppose k is 2 and I is 0 then this loop will execute 2 times. in this loop, I just removed the value from the end and placed it at the start.

5. Move Zero at the end of the loop

var arr = [0,1,0,-100]
func moveZeroes(_ nums: inout [Int]) {
for i in nums.indices.reversed() where nums[i] == 0 {
nums.remove(at: i)


The output of the above program will be [1,-100,0,0], In the above program I have used a where clause for 0 elements in the array, Which means this loop will only execute for 0.

In this loop, I removed 0 and appended it at the end of the array.

Thank you for reading. Please clap or follow if you liked this!

There are some other links to DS and other programs


