Andy Elliott: From Salesman to the Greatest Sales Mentor

3 min readFeb 20, 2024


Andy Elliot
Andy Elliot ~ Elliot Group

In the dynamic landscape of automotive sales, few names resonate with the impact and authority of Andy Elliott. His journey from a passionate car enthusiast to the pinnacle of sales training exemplifies professional achievement and a life dedicated to excellence, innovation, and empowering others. This blog delves into Andy’s life, his transformative contributions to the automotive sales industry, and how he continues to shape the future of salesmanship with his current goals.

Early Beginnings

Born on October 21, 1979, into an American Christian family, Andy Elliott’s path to success began in the United States, where his fascination with cars led him to a car dealership at the tender age of 18. This early foray into automotive sales laid the groundwork for a storied career. Despite the loss of his mother at a young age and the challenges of growing up in a single-parent household, Andy’s resilience and determination were evident from the start. His father, Jeff Elliott, and brother, Brett S., played pivotal roles in his life, shaping the man he would become.

A Meteoric Rise in Automotive Sales

Andy’s sales career took off rapidly, distinguishing him as a top performer in his state by the age of 19, with sales totaling $715,000 in just one year. This early success was a harbinger of his innate talent and unyielding work ethic. Recognizing the limitations of traditional sales approaches and the need for innovative strategies, Andy ventured into sales training to redefine the industry’s standards.

The Elliott Group: A Testament to Visionary Leadership

In 2010, Andy founded The Elliott Group alongside his wife, Jacqueline Elliott, marking a pivotal moment in automotive sales training. The Elliott Group emerged as a beacon of excellence, offering a broad spectrum of training products and services that catered to every facet of automotive sales, from in-store and online training to advanced courses on branding and lead generation. Under Andy’s leadership, the company expanded its reach globally, training over 11,000 companies and 600,000 salespeople across 176 countries.

A Family-Like Culture at The Elliott Group

The Elliotts’ vision for their company was not just about financial success but about creating a supportive, family-like environment where individuals could grow professionally and personally. They focused on cultivating a culture where positivity thrived and every team member could achieve their fullest potential. This approach has set The Elliott Group apart and made it a model for businesses seeking to foster a more holistic and inclusive workplace.

Andy Elliott Today: Goals and Vision

Today, Andy Elliott continues to be a luminary in the sales training world, with his sights set on further innovation and impact. His mission extends beyond teaching sales techniques; it’s about instilling confidence, fostering growth, and helping individuals achieve a balanced, fulfilling life. Andy and Jacqueline remain dedicated to empowering sales professionals, business owners, and teams to excel and lead in their industries through The Elliott Group.

Join the Movement

Andy Elliott’s story is not just inspiring; it’s a call to action for anyone looking to transform their career in sales or business. By joining the Andy Elliott Group, you’re not just accessing unparalleled sales training but becoming part of a community dedicated to excellence, growth, and success.

To learn more about how you can be a part of this transformative journey and elevate your sales career to new heights, visit The Elliott Group. Embrace the opportunity to learn from the best and unlock your true potential in automotive sales.

Andy Elliott’s journey from a young car enthusiast to the world’s #1 sales trainer is a testament to what passion, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of excellence can achieve. His life and career serve as a beacon for aspiring sales professionals and entrepreneurs, proving that with the right guidance, mindset, and training, success is not just possible; it’s inevitable. Join Andy Elliott’s group today and start your journey towards becoming a sales powerhouse.




Always striving for personal growth and making an impact .