Contact Tracing with Oracle Graph Studio Notebooks

Rahul Tasker
4 min readJun 9, 2022


In this article, we will explore the use of Oracle Graph notebooks built into the Autonomous Database. To do so, we will use Oracle Graph to explore a contact tracing scenario:

You are the owner of an establishment. Given a dataset of customers, some of whom have been diagnosed with a contagious virus, and people those customers came into contact with, can we determine how much the virus spread at our location? What information can we derive that would be useful for ourselves, and for our customers?


  • This blog assumes you have followed these steps to deploy and Autonomous Database with a Graph enabled user.

Load Data into Autonomous Database

Before we start making graphs, we need to make sure that we have database tables with data loaded into the Autonomous Database.

  1. Download this zip file and extract the contents. There should be a contacts.csv and users.csv files, which we will use now, as well as a contact_graph.dsnb file which we will use later.

2. Access Database Actions from the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console as the Graph enabled user.

3. Select SQL.

4. Execute the following PL/SQL code to create tables for this dataset.

create table users_table(
user_id NUMBER(4),
first_name VARCHAR2(50),
last_name VARCHAR2(50),
gender VARCHAR2(50),
date_of_birth TIMESTAMP(3),
phone_number VARCHAR2(50),
infected VARCHAR2(50),
date_diagnosis TIMESTAMP(3),
constraint pk_uid primary key (user_id)
create table contacts(
contact_id NUMBER(4),
reporting_user NUMBER(4),
contact_user NUMBER(4),
contact_start TIMESTAMP(3),
contact_end TIMESTAMP(3),
infectious_start TIMESTAMP(3),
infectious_end TIMESTAMP(3),
constraint pk_cid primary key (contact_id),
constraint FK_rep_user
FOREIGN key (reporting_user) references users_table(user_id),
constraint FK_con_user
FOREIGN key (contact_user) references users_table(user_id)

5. Refresh the Navigator on the left, right click USERS_TABLE and select Data Loading > Upload Data.

6. Upload the users.csv file. Click Next.

7. In the Data Mapping section, change the date formatting to:


8. Click Next, and Finish.

9. Right click the CONTACTS and select Data Loading > Upload Data.

10. Upload the contacts.csv file. Click Next.

11. In the Data Mapping section, change the date formatting to:


12. Click Next, and Finish.

Create Graph

  1. From your OCI console, navigate to your Autonomous Database Instance, and select Tools > Graph Studio.

2. Log in as your graph user.

3. Select the graphs on the navigation bar, and click create.

4. Select the contacts and users tables, then click Next.

5. Your modeler should look like the following image. Click Next.

6. Click Create Graph

7. You will be prompted to enter a graph name and model name. I will keep the model name as default and call the graph “contact_graph”.

8. After a few minutes, you should see that the environment was created and the graph has been loaded into memory.

Visualize Graph

  1. Navigate to the Notebooks page in graph studio, and click Import.

2. Drag in the contact_graph.dsnb file from the zip file you downloaded earlier.

3. Click Import.

4. Click the run button at the top of the notebook to run all paragraphs.

5. Explore the notebook. It has already been created with a series of sql and pgql queries with notes to help you understand what each query is doing, and how it can help us answer our initial questions for this use case.

Please learn more about Oracle Graph from:



Rahul Tasker

Product Manager of Oracle Spatial and Oracle Graph. The views expressed here are my own, and the sample scripts in the articles are not supported.