You will be shocked after knowing this wonderful medicinal benefits of Bermuda grass (Arugampul)

Rahul Varma
2 min readFeb 20, 2020


Arugampul — ( Botanical name: Cynodon dactylon), also called Bermuda grass, Bamaha grass, Devils grass or Cough grass, Scutch grass and Dog’s tooth grass.

The benefits of this nature’s wonderful plant are high and cure many problems that require high treatment costs.

Bermuda grass is found abundant in the Asian countries, especially in the parts of India and Sri Lanka. They will be easily found over the roadsides.

This is one of the oldest varieties of plants used in ancient medical practices. It is abundantly used in Siddha medicines sue to its huge benefits.

This Bermuda grass or Arugampul can withstand any drought and it is a staple food for cattle. Animals like horses and rabbits love this grass and eat them a lot. That is why they have that much energy to run fast.

In India, it is believed that it cures many diseases due to its extraordinary medicinal benefits. It contains fiber, crude protein, phosphorus, calcium, and potash.

Cynodon dactylon

Preparation of Arugampul Juice

  • Take a hand full of Arugampul without roots
  • Wash it and cut it into small pieces
  • Grind it in a mixer with some normal water or tender coconut water
  • No other thing should be added


  • Drink this Arugampul juice in empty stomach at early morning
  • Hold the juice in your mouth for a few seconds to mix it with saliva before swallowing it.
  • You should eat food only after one or two hours after drinking this juice

15 proven benefits of Bermuda grass

  • Reduces acidity due to its alkaline property
  • It enhances our nervous system
  • Relieves constipation
  • Improves production of red blood cells and improves hemoglobin
  • Enhance immunity power
  • Reduces obesity
  • Improves the strength of the teeth
  • Improves the quantity and quality of mother’s milk
  • Controls Diabetes
  • Cures skin diseases
  • Cures Piles
  • Enhances proper breathing
  • Solves menstrual problems
  • Improves ability to withstand hunger
  • It improves vitality and enhances a healthy reproductive life.

This grass is also dried, powdered, and used in many Siddha medicines as Arugampul powder due to its proven health benefits. Maintain your body without any disease through available natural resources rather than taking modern medicines.

Be natural !!

