How “Happy” Money Changed My Life?

Rahul Banerjee
6 min readJul 29, 2023


How I Dealt with Difficult Situations in Life — Part 2

Real Life Experience, Real Story!

The pandemic in 2021 shook my world.

Unimaginably! It took a lot from me. I was not prepared.

I am sure your world would have, in some or the other way been affected by the pandemic. A difficult time for everyone! Our reptilian brain, the basic instinct, was functioning at its best.

Most of the experiences are still very hard to sync in. I lost my close childhood friend and family members during the pandemic. Was not able to attend their last rituals also due to covid-19 restrictions. The only thing left now is my memories and good times with them.

But not all was gloomy. Some are wonderful situations Covid-19 has brought us though. I had to leave many things behind and learn to survive new daily situations and challenges. The changes it brought to us and our families are immense.

BTW, I am going to talk about the positive things moving forward…

* As a family, we spent much time together and understood each other better. The situation was like my childhood when I had a joint family — Grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts and siblings living all together under the same roof, helping each other.

* We learnt to be together in difficult situations.

* We learnt to eat the right food and keep ourselves healthy. It would help if you read my article on the F4 Formula, which will give you my perspective on how I handled myself during hard times.

Midjourney creation: A father with children paying at the cash counter with gratitude following Happy Money concept by Ken Honda

* We learnt (at least tried!) how to manage finances better. With businesses down and people around losing jobs, it was time for everyone to know the value of Life, Money and Resources.

* Learnt to do our things on our own, be stronger emotionally and physically

* We learnt to communicate effectively in different ways with our family, friends and colleagues. Thankfully we already had those mediums available.

* We learnt the importance of the Internet.

* AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, we learnt the importance of our life. My wife is a spiritual follower and believes strongly in the art of healing naturally.

The lessons were hard, but the best part is that we all as human race fought the difficult situations very well together.

On a separate note, I want to speak about how I learnt a few techniques to develop gratitude towards life and Money.

The Real Story Begins Now!

Never Knew This Existed

During the pandemic, as we all were glued to the television, the internet, news, spiritual and life improvement videos, anything we could consume was on the Internet. We were consuming so much information itself, which was also dangerous. Now let us keep it as a separate topic to discuss for later.

My wife, Anamika, learned about the Japanese art of being in peace and grateful for our Money.

She ordered the book from Amazon but arrived late due to pandemic restrictions and quarantine procedures we used to follow at our home.

Funny, but it is true that anything/any parcel which used to arrive we used to quarantine for 6–12 hours under the sun.

Let us move forward and not think about it more. 🙂

After reading the book in a couple of days, she tried to relate it to some situations that the author Ken Honda beautifully described in his book “Happy Money”.

Intrigued by the initial thoughts, I read it too. There was so much time, then 🙂

Happy Money Book by Ken Honda
Photo by myself of the real book — Happy Money by Ken Honda

“Happy Money” by Ken Honda is not a regular book. It is a concept or an idea in itself.

A well-tested concept.

I feel very grateful to Ken and my wife, especially when she found a gem of a read after such a long time, which changed our way of thinking and doing things with Money and offered a refreshing and holistic perspective.

By name, it sounds like a book of finance. However, it brings different emotional and psychological perspectives into the conversation.

The book revolves around the concept of “Happy” Money.

Yes! Money can be Happy, making a massive difference in our lives. The Money is given and received with gratitude, happily and having a sense of satisfaction & fulfilment.

Ken Honda shares real-life examples in his life to show how we can transform our relationship with Money and, in the process, enrich our lives.

My relationship with Money was often of anxiety and fear, the same way how the world of startups can be full of financial uncertainty. The world around me was changing fast. It kept worrying me about the next considerable uncertainty or expense that could stand before me and my family.

Happy Money taught me to change my perspective towards Money and how to deal with it. In this book, Ken Honda explains how our financial condition is directly affected by our thoughts and feeling towards Money.

I started to practice giving and receiving Money with gratitude and happiness. My fear of financial uncertainty shifted to an appreciation towards Money. It has made a considerable difference in my thinking, not just in my financial situation but also in my overall well-being.

Whenever I receive or transfer any money to whoever, whether my parents, wife, children or clients, I quietly say in my heart and mind, “Thank you — Arigato Money”.

The entire process gives you so much “happiness and positivity” when you try to follow it.

And it does not ask for anything more. Just be happy when you get or give Money in any form.

And remember, happiness is infectious. It does transfer and transform you and the people around you. It works in our and others’ subconscious minds.

For example, whenever I secured a new client for my digital strategy or content writing services, I began to take it as a relationship, a blessing, and not just a transaction — an affirmation of the value I provide. Similarly, when I paid for services or products, I started to do it with gratitude for the value they added to me rather than seeing it as an expense or a loss.

What I had to do? Nothing much! Just to be happy and grateful.

A win-win situation, right? 🙂

Being based in Asia and dealing with global clientele — my change in perspective towards money helped me bridge the cultural differences. I became more open-minded and open to international partnerships and opportunities that I would have probably missed out on earlier.

The book Happy Money is for everyone.

The story and the effect of it align universally. Whether you are a student in Mumbai or a homemaker who wants to save money, whether you own a business or a retiree in California managing a pension, anyone can find value and take ques in the wisdom provided by Ken Honda.

In simple English, Happy Money teaches us that money is not just a tool for purchasing goods and services. It is an energy that transforms both ends. It brings a sense of joy, satisfaction and peace into our lives.

This powerful lesson by Ken Honda has become part and parcel of my personal and professional journey. It touches upon the core of our emotional relationship with money and inspires us to transform it.

If you wish to be more financially and emotionally at peace with your money, then in that case, I suggest “Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money” by Ken Honda is a must-read for you.

I hope this gives you the right direction and perspective in your financial stability and freedom journey.

Always grateful and open to hearing all your amazing stories on Medium.

Take Care 🙂 Have a good one!

Pls note: The picture of the father with children has been created using Midjourney. Content is original and has NO connection with AI.



Rahul Banerjee

Data Enthusiast, Web3 & Bitcoin buff. 18+ yrs sharpening SEO, content and organic marketing swords. Analytics & Biz intelligence sleuth.