How to PIMP a Patient

R. Smith
3 min readSep 6, 2022


Anatomy of a Self Hating Black Woman | Appendix B

Listen to Audio of Mount Sinai (Erica Rubinstein, VP Patient Experience) trying to convince me to do a case study after being insulted, humiliated and discarded by my physician:

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Listen to Audio of Mount Sinai (Erica Rubinstein, VP Patient Experience) trying to convince me to do a case study after being humiliated and discarded by my physician:

Welcome to New York City aka the “Big Apple”, coincidentally I have learned a lot over these past few months while speaking with countless advocates across the United States. This city is said to be one of the most obstetrically violent geographies in the country. I guess it makes sense since one of our favorite doctors of all time established the first women’s hospital here, escaping such a humane and admirable history only takes a spoonful of sugar to make the medicine go down. Many of you know this metropolis as a city of bright lights and where dreams can come true. Here’s some food for thought, this is also the city of BIG PIMPING! People here will say and do anything to get ahead and stay ahead, there’s a lot of souls at the bottom of the Hudson river. Who needs conscience anyways? So what if you profit from hurting and abusing people, anything for the almighty dollar, right? Sleeping at night is for chumps, which brings me to the subject of two of my favorite vampires.

You work in healthcare? Have an interest in patient experience? Well, sit up straight and pay attention for a lesson on ‘How to Pimp a Patient’.

Pimps, prostitutes and the destitute !9070’s Times Square Credit: © Stefan Nadelman

Sorry to burst your bubble, but pimps do not drive Cadillacs or walk in alligator shoes anymore. The best of the best are passive aggressive, have degrees, accolades, and wear freshly pressed business attire. Listen to Audio of Mount Sinai (Erica Rubinstein, VP Patient Experience) trying to convince me to do a case study after being insulted, humiliated and discarded by my physician during an OBGYN annual well woman exam:

Passive aggression refers to types of behavior where resistance, criticism, anger or resentment are hidden or verbally denied.

When is American Obstetrics and Gynecology going to learn to stop pimping Black women? It’s 2022 for Godsakes!!!

How can you want to use my image, voice, and essence after I was violated in a manner akin to a Rape without making the doctor who did it take accountability? Did you miss the memo…this is a new era, you will not be able to get away with what you have done previously.

Spoiler Alert: I knew from day 1 that Mount Sinai’s offer was disingenuous, again these people are use to minorities and/or women they can get over on. Erica should learn google a person before she meets with them. I use to work for a lobbyist and did state party politics in New Jersey of all places… ever watch The Sopranos? What she and Dr. Michelle Yvette Francis both have in common is that they relate to me as though I am stupid and cannot see through facades. The reality is I have had to sink or swim with people that are exponentially more cunning and clever than they are…but it’s OK. These vampires and their co-conspirators will soon learn something priceless from me. I know they think they are on top of this situation, but I have learned over time that we live in very small world and habits run deep.

You cannot pimp me :)

“The Happy Hooker” 1989 — Black and White Street New York City by Matt Weber

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