What is the EDEN Community & Dharmos Network about and which Souls are welcome

Pau Rai
6 min readApr 26, 2023


Are you drawn to conscious retreats/festivals and would you like to live in a “constant retreat” community? Well, come visit and enjoy this proposal from May 19 to 22 to understand and feel what is going on?…

In June the EDEN Proto Community starts in an old hostel-restaurant, next to a beautiful river located in the middle of 2 natural parks north Barcelona, with large spaces for activities and connection… 20 equipped double rooms, industrial kitchen, camping area, orchard, large salt pool, temazcal and dance area and outdoor concerts with professional sound.

EDÉN is a proposal framed within the Dharmos Values and Principles Network: A base/system of social innovation for communities and conscious beings to be able to share and systematize resources, energy and economy; providing the basic needs to its members and thus leaving the survival zone, being able to focus on their energy and their gifts.

A Think Thank/Laboratory of Social Innovation

EDEN, being the first Dharmos Proto Community, acts as an ambassador and laboratory of this system. This is why during these days of the festival, and from now on also online through the seedofeden.org channels, there will be several talks and exclusive presentations to explain in detail how it works and how one can be part of this system of social innovation.

*** If you are a conscientious promoter, and you resonate with the Dharmos Principles and/or values&Ideal of Eden, we want to listen to you and extend your service.

Dharmos/Edén also addresses these profiles:

  • Dharmos focuses mainly on 3 areas of the Being to sublimate, collectivize and systematize them:
  1. Body: Food (digestive center)
  2. Soul: The Healing (emotional center)
  3. Mind: El Discernimiento (centro mental )
  • ** If you have gifts and/or offer therapies, courses, etc… in some of these areas, this community and Dharmos are interested in providing you in the most efficient way so that you can expand your service and gifts to the Consciousness.
  • **Also, if you have computer and/or communication, organization and management skills/competences… you can be part of the space management team and development of Dharmos tools.

Dharmos -Feeding Counciousness-

EDEN is going to be a pioneer by putting into practice the “Beta-Test Group” of the Dharmos community food network application that has been developing for the last 3 years, and which provides high quality vegan food with high efficiency and variety.

EDEN; rescuing its own Ideal

EDÉN contributes within the Dharmos Network, its vision/path of values and unique ideal focusing on the empowerment of the Sacred Masculine/Feminine, since

“Empowering the Sacred Masculine & Feminine in harmony in Nature, is to recreate the conditions of maximum abundance that humans by “original design” are capable of hosting; that is how I have lived it and it has been revealed to me and this is my service” — Pau Rai ( Promoter Eden Community & Dharmos Network)

Image courtesy of www.inphinitydesign.com one of the Dharmos collaborators.

Eden(1): Retreat Center/Community for the Sacred Feminine

This first community 1 hour north of Barcelona aims to be an enclave of constant retreat for the Sacred Feminine to heal, reconnect and recharge… and all women and facilitators who resonate with it are invited to join in a punctual, cyclical or Continue with your energy and/or proposals.

  • * If you are a Facilitator/Disseminator of therapies and retreats for the recovery of the Sacred Feminine and would like to display your gifts in this community, get involved.

“It is constant to find women in need of a space where to stop and reconnect with nature, its cycles, its intuition and its nutrition… since we live in a constant forced inertia that does not allow us to focus on our Being and its needs… and this It is especially important for the feminine principle since it is the conscious extension of nature… and to collect the divine fruit of its nutrition it is necessary for all of us who surround it and come out of it, that we offer and recreate the spaces where this energy can be collected, recomposed and nourished again… Without this part resolved, the Masculine will never be able to complete itself and serve purely because we are by design vessels of this divine nutrition” Pau Rai.

Eden(2): Retreat Center/Community for the Sacred Masculine

The activation of the Sacred Masculine, of course, will also be present in the events (from 19 to 22 M) and the first bars of this community (Eden 1) before activating a specific community ideal for this energy/purpose and for which it already There are proposals…
* The fact that there are 2 specific communities for each energy does not mean that they are exclusive to beings of one gender or another… but rather that due to their characteristics and potential they prioritize an energy and activities (time and needs will mark the percentages…)

  • ** If you are a Facilitator/Disseminator of therapies and retreats for the recovery of the Sacred Masculine and would like to display your gifts in this community, get involved.
Eden(3): It will be the community resulting from having passed through Eden(1) and (2). These will have acted as a landing platform to align and purify and sublimate the energies that we carry from these troubled times… and to have started the structure and infrastructure necessary to continue creating and expanding the network with more communities of harmony.

…and all Conscious Humankind!

*** Healers, Musicians, artists and facilitators… those beings committed to the best version of themselves… the one that connects and lives from Love, from giving and receiving… you are also invited to participate in this co-creation, to share and expand these values and principles and make them yours… create your own communities and visions of Dharmos (Dharma-Harmony-Us ) in the future… but to get there we need your support and involvement in this initiative that breaks with the current Paradigm.

Don’t miss the first EDEN event from May 19 to 22!

4 days and 3 Nights of Harmony, activities and co-creation (You can also attend from 20 to 21) in double rooms or camping and meals included.

Other ways to join Seed of Eden

How can you support and get involved in Eden/Dharmos now?

  1. Join the seedofeden.org channels for more information and online talks
  2. Offer your gifts and services to the festival and/or the community
  3. Request your place to reside now from June. * Options from 1 week to 1 month for rooms and open for camping.

Other Articles from Seeds of Eden — Dharmos

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