Cheat Sheets gcloud, bq, gsutil, kubectl for Google Cloud Associate Certificate

raigon jolly
12 min readJul 30, 2020


The gcloud command-line tool cheat sheet

The gcloud cheat sheet

A roster of go-to gcloud commands for the gcloud tool, Google Cloud’s primary command-line tool.

Also included: introductory primer, understanding commands, and a printable PDF).

Cheat sheet

Getting started

Get going with the gcloud command-line tool.


Cloud SDK is happy to help.

  • gcloud help: Search the gcloud tool reference documents for specific terms.
  • gcloud feedback: Provide feedback for the Cloud SDK team.
  • gcloud topic: Supplementary help material for non-command topics like accessibility, filtering, and formatting.


Make the Cloud SDK your own; personalize your configuration with properties.


Grant and revoke authorization to Cloud SDK


Manage project access policies

Identity & Access Management

Configuring Cloud Identity & Access Management (IAM) preferences and service accounts

Docker & Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

Manage containerized applications on Kubernetes

Virtual Machines & Compute Engine

Create, run, and manage VMs on Google infrastructure

Serverless & App Engine

Build highly scalable applications on a fully managed serverless platform


Commands that might come in handy

Introductory primer

A quick primer for getting started with the gcloud command-line tool.

Installing the Cloud SDK

Install the Cloud SDK with these installation instructions.

Flags, arguments, and other wondrous additions

Arguments can be Positional args or Flags

  • Positional args: Set after command name; must respect order of positional args.
  • Flags: Set after positional args; order of flags doesn’t matter.
  • A flag can be either a:
  • Name-value pair (--foo=bar), or
  • Boolean (--force/no-force).
  • Additionally, flags can either be:
  • Required
  • Optional: in which case, the default value is used, if the flag is not defined

Global flags

Some flags are available throughout the gcloud command-line tool experience, like:

  • --help: For when in doubt; display detailed help for a command.
  • --project: If using a project other than the current one.
  • --quiet: Disabling interactive prompting (and applying default values for inputs).
  • --verbosity: Can set verbosity levels at debug, info, warning, error, critical, and none.
  • --version: Display gcloud version information.
  • --format: Set output format as config, csv, default, diff, disable, flattened, get, json, list, multi, none, object, table, text, value, or yaml.

Cleaning up results

Extricate the most from your output with the filter, format, limit, and sort-by flags.

For Compute Engine instances with prefix us and not machine type f1-micro:

gcloud compute instances list --filter="zone ~ ^us AND -machineType:f1-micro"

For a list of projects created on or after 15 January 2018, sorted from oldest to newest, presented as a table with project number, project id and creation time columns with dates and times in local timezone:

gcloud projects list --format="table(projectNumber,projectId,"
--filter="createTime>=2018-01-15T12:00:00" --sort-by=createTime

For a list of ten Compute Engine instances with a label my-label (of any value):

gcloud compute instances list --filter="*" --limit=10

Understanding commands

The underlying patterns for gcloud commands; to aid self-discovery of commands.

Finding gcloud commands

The gcloud command-line tool is a tree; non-leaf nodes are command groups and leaf nodes are commands. (Also, tab completion works for commands and resources!)

Most gcloud commands follow the following format:

gcloud + release level (optional) + component + entity + operation + positional args + flags

For example: gcloud + compute + instances + create + example-instance-1 + --zone=us-central1-a

Release level

Release Level refers to the command’s release status.

Example: alpha for alpha commands, beta for beta commands, no release level needed for GA commands.


Component refers to the different Google Cloud services.

Example: compute for Compute Engine, app for App Engine, etc.


Entity refers to the plural form of an element or collection of elements under a component.

Example: disks, firewalls, images, instances, regions, zones for compute


Operation refers to the imperative verb form of the operation to be performed on the entity.

Example: Common operations are describe, list, create/update, delete/clear, import, export, copy, remove, add, reset, restart, restore, run, and deploy.

Positional args

Positional args refer to the required, order-specific arguments needed to execute the command.

Example: <INSTANCE_NAMES> is the required positional argument for gcloud compute instances create.


Flags refer to the additional arguments, --flag-name(=value), passed in to the command after positional args.

Example: --machine-type=<MACHINE_TYPE> and --preemptible are optional flags for gcloud compute instances create.

Run SSH :

gcloud iam service-accounts create ssh-account --project $PROJECT_ID \
--display-name "ssh-account"
gcloud compute networks create ssh-example --project $PROJECT_IDgcloud compute firewall-rules create ssh-all --project $PROJECT_ID \
--network ssh-example --allow tcp:22
gcloud compute instances create target --project $PROJECT_ID \
--zone us-central1-f --network ssh-example \
--no-service-account --no-scopes \
--machine-type f1-micro --metadata=enable-oslogin=TRUE
gcloud compute instances add-iam-policy-binding target \
--project $PROJECT_ID --zone us-central1-f \
--member serviceAccount:ssh-account@$ \
--role roles/compute.osAdminLogin
gcloud compute instances create source \
--project $PROJECT_ID --zone us-central1-f \
--service-account ssh-account@$ \
--scopes \
--network ssh-example --machine-type f1-micro
gcloud compute ssh source --project $PROJECT_ID --zone us-central1-fsudo apt update && sudo apt install python-pip -y && pip install --upgrade google-api-python-clientcurl -O \
--cmd 'sudo apt install cowsay -y && cowsay "It works!"' \
--project [PROJECT_ID] --zone us-central1-f --instance target

It works!
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Creating a dataset

In the Cloud Shell, use the bq mk command to create a dataset called bq_load_codelab.

bq mk bq_load_codelab

Viewing dataset properties

Verify that you created the dataset by viewing the dataset’s properties with the bq show command.

bq show bq_load_codelab

You should see output similar to:

Dataset my-project:bq_load_codelab   Last modified           ACLs          Labels
----------------- -------------------- --------
15 Jun 14:12:49 Owners:

Use the bq load command to load your CSV into a BigQuery table.

bq load \
--source_format=CSV \
--skip_leading_rows=1 \
bq_load_codelab.customer_transactions \
./customer_transactions.csv \

You used the following options:

  • --source_format=CSV uses the CSV data format when parsing the data file.
  • --skip_leading_rows=1 skips the first line in the CSV file, because it is a header row.
  • bq_load_codelab.customer_transactions The first positional argument defines which table the data should be loaded into.
  • ./customer_transactions.csv The second positional argument defines which file to load. In addition to local files, the bq load command can load files from Google Cloud Storage, with gs://my_bucket/path/to/file URIs.
  • schema A schema can be defined in a JSON schema file or as a comma-separated list. This codelab uses a comma-separated list for simplicity.

The customer_transactions table uses the following schema:

  • id:string A customer identifier.
  • zip:string A United States postal zip code.
  • ttime:timestamp The date and time that the transaction took place.
  • amount:numeric The amount of a transaction. A numeric column stores data in decimal form, useful for monetary values.
  • fdbk:float The rating from a feedback survey about the transaction.
  • sku:string A an identifier for the item purchased.

Get the table details

Verify that the table loaded by showing the table properties.

bq show bq_load_codelab.customer_transactions


Table my-project:bq_load_codelab.customer_transactions   Last modified          Schema          Total Rows   Total Bytes
----------------- --------------------- ------------ -------------
15 Jun 15:13:55 |- id: string 3 159
|- zip: string
|- ttime: timestamp
|- amount: numeric
|- fdbk: float
|- sku: string

Now that your data is loaded, you can query it by using the BigQuery Web UI, the bq command, or the API. Your queries can join your data against any dataset (or datasets, so long as they all are in the same location) that you have permission to read.

Run a standard SQL query that joins your dataset with the zipcode public dataset and sums up transactions by U.S. state. Use the bq query command to execute the query.

bq query --nouse_legacy_sql '
SELECT SUM(c.amount) AS amount_total, z.state_code AS state_code
FROM `bq_load_codelab.customer_transactions` c
JOIN `bigquery-public-data.utility_us.zipcode_area` z
ON = z.zipcode
GROUP BY state_code

This command should output something like:

Waiting on bqjob_r26...05a15b38_1 ... (1s) Current status: DONE   
| amount_total | state_code |
| 53.6 | NY |
| 7.18 | TX |

The query you just ran used both a public dataset and your own private dataset. Learn more by reading this commented version of the same query:

/* Total of all transactions in the state. */
SUM(c.amount) AS amount_total,
/* State corresponding to the transaction's zipcode. */
z.state_code AS state_code
/* Query the table you just constructed.
* Note: If you omit the project from the table ID,
* the dataset is read from your project. */

FROM `bq_load_codelab.customer_transactions` c
/* Join the table to the zipcode public dataset. */
JOIN `bigquery-public-data.utility_us.zipcode_area` z
/* Find the state corresponding to the transaction's zipcode. */
ON = z.zipcode
/* Group over all transactions by state. */
GROUP BY state_code

Optionally, delete the dataset you created with the bq rm command. Use the -r flag to remove any tables it contains.

bq rm -r bq_load_codelab


gsutil mb -b on -l us-east1 gs://my-awesome-bucket/
gsutil cp Desktop/kitten.png gs://my-awesome-bucket
gsutil cp gs://my-awesome-bucket/kitten.png Desktop/kitten2.png
gsutil cp gs://my-awesome-bucket/kitten.png gs://my-awesome-bucket/just-a-folder/kitten3.png
gsutil ls gs://my-awesome-bucket
Use the gsutil ls command, with the -l flag to get some details about a one of your images:gsutil ls -l gs://my-awesome-bucket/kitten.png--------------------------------------------Use the gsutil iam ch command to grant all users permission to read the images stored in your bucket:gsutil iam ch allUsers:objectViewer gs://my-awesome-bucket-----------------------------------------------
To remove this access, use the command:
gsutil iam ch -d allUsers:objectViewer gs://my-awesome-bucketgsutil iam ch,objectViewer gs://my-awesome-bucketgsutil iam ch -d,objectViewer gs://my-awesome-bucketgsutil rm gs://my-awesome-bucket/kitten.pnggsutil rm -r gs://my-awesome-bucket------------------
Generate a new private key, or use an existing private key for a service account. The key can be in either JSON or PKCS12 format.
For more information on private keys and service accounts, see Service Accounts.Use the gsutil signurl command, passing in the path to the private key from the previous step and the name of the bucket or object you want to generate a signed URL for.For example, using a key stored in the folder Desktop, the following command generates a signed URL for users to view the object cat.jpeg for 10 minutes.
gsutil signurl -d 10m Desktop/private-key.json gs://example-bucket/cat.jpegThe signed URL is the string beginning with and will likely extend for several lines. This URL can be used by any person to access the associated resource (in this case cat.jpeg) for the designated time frame (in this case, 10 minutes).---------
gsutil lifecycle set [LIFECYCLE_CONFIG_FILE] gs://[BUCKET_NAME]
example of
"lifecycle": {
"rule": [
"action": {"type": "Delete"},
"condition": {
"age": 30,
"isLive": true
"action": {"type": "Delete"},
"condition": {
"age": 10,
"isLive": false
gsutil versioning set (on|off) gs://<bucket_name>...
gsutil versioning get gs://<bucket_name>...


kubectl apply -f my-deployment.yaml
kubectl get pods
kubectl get service my-cip-service --output yaml


gcloud container clusters create cluster-name --num-nodes 30 \
--enable-autoscaling --min-nodes 15 --max-nodes 50 [--zone compute-zone]

In this command:

  • --num-nodes specifies the number of nodes to create in each of the cluster's zones. The default is 3.
  • --enable-autoscaling indicates that autoscaling is enabled.
  • --min-nodes specifies the minimum number of nodes for the default node pool.
  • --max-nodes specifies the maximum number of nodes for the default node pool.
  • --zone specifies the compute zone in which the autoscaler should create new nodes.
gcloud container node-pools create pool-name --cluster cluster-name \
--enable-autoscaling --min-nodes 1 --max-nodes 5 [--zone compute-zone]

Enabling autoscaling for an existing node pool

gcloud container clusters update cluster-name --enable-autoscaling \
--min-nodes 1 --max-nodes 10 --zone compute-zone --node-pool default-pool

Set kubectl context

gcloud container clusters get-credentials <cluster-name>

List all container clusters

gcloud container clusters list

gcloud container clusters resize

List all container clustersgcloud container clusters list

Set kubectl contextgcloud container clusters get-credentials <cluster-name>

The following update command that enables Cloud Operations for GKE only shows the options needed for Google Cloud’s operations suite:

gcloud beta container clusters update [CLUSTER_NAME] \
— zone=[ZONE] — region=[REGION] \
— enable-stackdriver-kubernetes

The field [REGION] is the compute region of the cluster.

Note: You must use Cloud SDK version 248.0.0 or higher.
Alternatively, the following update command that enables Legacy Logging and Monitoring only shows the options needed for Google Cloud’s operations suite:

gcloud beta container clusters update [CLUSTER_NAME] \
— zone=[ZONE] — region=[REGION] \
— logging-service \
— monitoring-service

reading logs

gcloud logging read ‘logName:projects/YOUR_PROJECT_ID/logs/stderr AND resource.type=k8s_container AND resource.labels.cluster_name=shop-cluster AND resource.labels.namespace_name=default AND textPayload:”Sorry, we cannot process jcb credit cards. Only VISA or MasterCard is accepted.”’ — limit 10 — format json


all networksgcloud compute networks list

Detail of one networkgcloud compute networks describe <network-name> --format json

Create networkgcloud compute networks create <network-name>

Create subnetgcloud compute networks subnets create subnet1 --network net1 --range

Get a static ipgcloud compute addresses create --region us-west2-a vpn-1-static-ip

List all ip addressesgcloud compute addresses list

Describe ip addressgcloud compute addresses describe <ip-name> --region us-central1

List all routesgcloud compute routes list


List of all record-sets in my_zonegcloud dns record-sets list --zone my_zoneList first 10 DNS recordsgcloud dns record-sets list --zone my_zone --limit=10


List all firewall rulesgcloud compute firewall-rules list

List all forwarding rulesgcloud compute forwarding-rules list

Describe one firewall rulegcloud compute firewall-rules describe <rule-name>

Create one firewall rulegcloud compute firewall-rules create my-rule --network default --allow tcp:9200 tcp:3306

Update one firewall rulegcloud compute firewall-rules update default --network default --allow tcp:9200 tcp:9300

Images & Containers

all imagesgcloud compute images list


List all sql instancesgcloud sql instances list


List my backend servicesgcloud compute backend-services list

List all my health check endpointsgcloud compute http-health-checks list

List all URL mapsgcloud compute url-maps list

