Undergraduate students of S1 Office Administration Education at Universitas Negeri Malang through the LPPP program participated in the Administrative System Analysis of the Project Division of PT Mitra Sistematika Global: Towards Effectiveness and Efficiency.

Muhammad Raihan Dermawan
3 min readOct 16, 2023


PT Mitra Sistematika Global (MSG) is a company engaged in telecommunications, measurement, and infrastructure services. This company has a TMI (Telecommunication, Measurement, and Infrastructure) division which is responsible for providing telecommunications, measurement, and infrastructure services to customers.

The TMI Division is responsible for managing projects carried out by the company. To carry out these projects, the TMI division needs a good and effective administration system. A good and effective administration system will help the TMI division to manage projects efficiently and effectively, as well as improve the quality of service to customers.

The purpose of this journal is to analyze the project division administration system at PT Mitra Sistematika Global. This analysis is carried out to determine the advantages and disadvantages of the system, as well as provide recommendations for improvement.

The method used in this journal is a quantitative research method. Data was collected through distributing questionnaires.

Based on the results of the analysis, the project division administration system at PT Mitra Sistematika Global has several advantages, including:

  • The system is integrated.
  • Project data is easy to access.
  • The administration process runs smoothly.

However, the project division administration system at PT Mitra Sistematika Global also has several shortcomings, including:

  • Some processes are still manual.
  • Data is still scattered.
  • Data access is not optimal.


10 questions about: Analysis of the Project Division Administration System of PT Mitra Sistematika Global: Towards Effectiveness and Efficiency.


“Rekomendasi untuk Meningkatkan Sistem Administrasi”, Konferensi Nasional Manajemen, 2020.

“Sistem Administrasi yang Efektif dan Efisien”, Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika, 2019.

Program Studi Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran Universitas Negeri Malang | Program MBKM Hibah PKKM LPPP | Magang Bersertifikat

