Raijin the Thunder God

3 min readJul 11, 2022


Raijin (雷神, lit. “Thunder God”), also known as Kaminari-sama (雷様), Raiden-sama (雷電様), Narukami (鳴る神) Raikou (雷公), and Kamowakeikazuchi-no-kami is a god of lightning, thunder and storms in Japanese mythology and the Shinto religion.

Raijin is often depicted with a fierce, frightening face and a muscular figure with gravity-defying hair. He is surrounded by Taiko drums that he plays to create the sound of thunder. Raijin holds large hammers in his hands that he uses to play the drums. In some cases, Raijin is portrayed with three fingers which are said to represent the past, present and future. Two of the most notable sculptures of Raijin are located in the Sanjusangendo temple and the Taiyuin Rinnoji temple.

In the myths recorded in the Kojiki, after Izanami died from the wounds inflicted on her by the birthing of Hinokagutsutchi, her husband Izanagi followed her down into Yomi no Kuni, the land of darkness. When he asked to come with him, Izanami responded that she cannot leave, because she had already eaten from the food there. As Izanagi followed her all the way to Yomi, to try to fulfill his wish that she go with him, Izanami returned to her palace to negotiate with the residing kami. Izanami was gone for several hours, which made Izanagi worried for her. Thus, after making fire on the tip of his comb, he entered the palace.

Many legends there are around Raijin. Many of them say Raijin was defeated and captured. One Story describes Raijin as a mischief-maker, causing the destruction leading the Emperor to order Sugaru (the God Catcher) to imprison Raijin and deliver him to the in order to stop a storm. Sugaru first petitioned Raijin in the name of the emperor to give himself over willingly and cease the storm, to which Raijin laughs at Sugaru. Sugaru then prays to Kannon, Kannon ordered Raijin to let Sugaru, then she later delivered Raijin to him. Sugaru then tied him up in a sack and took him to the Emperor. Under the control of Sugaru and the emperor, Raijin was forced to stop his destruction and bring only rain and bounty to Japan.

Can we truly believe it? Raijin is here again…

After Raijin got out of Sugaru’s sack he digitized himself with the Dev’s help and split into 1,000,000,000 pieces, so we now have 1,000,000,000 Total Supply of Raijin Token.

Raijin learned the lesson and now everyone who interacts with him instantly gets damaged with 5% tax, both for buys and sells. This is the way Raijin strengthens up!

1% of this tax goes to liquidity, so Raijin gets more power from every hit.
3% go to heralds (or what we, modern people, call “marketing”), so the whole World will know that Raijin is still alive and free
1% is granted by Raijin to Dev for saving him and giving Raijin the new space to live.

Can you now capture Raijin, Anon? Or will he gain all his power back and continue the destruction?

