When will we get self-driving cars?

3 min readMay 23, 2018


When Alan Turing, the great mathematician proposed the theory of machine intelligence: an idea that machines can be able to understand human ideas and thoughts then simulate the process to do things in an intelligent way, little did we know that he was talking about our generation. From this , artificial intelligence systems such as self-driving cars, robots and chatbots have been created to deliver awesome results and proffer solutions to human problems in amazing ways.

With this in mind, Singapore aims to pilot driverless taxis in 2018 as they believe that this intelligent machines have the potential to radically change the commute system and take our mode of living a little step beyond in sophistication. The country is exploring the possibility of applying self-driving technology to public transport as a new and improved form of mobility and also to tackle the issues the country is facing in terms of manpower and land. It is believed that the technology holds the key to the door of the future as it holds great potential for the utility service sectors and freight transportation as a way to tackle manpower issues and can also be deployed during peak hours to reduce traffic congestion.

Apart from the development from Singapore, Waymo (part of Alphabet/ Google) will have driverless cars fully operational in Phoenix, Arizona by 2019. As the company has announced major expansion in self-driving cars by partnering with Jaguar Land Rover to design an electric self-driving fleet. The cars are planned to be designed in a way that they can transport people without any user input other than programming or directing the car to a destination and the cars use cameras and other sensors to detect other vehicles and obstacles, and to respond to traffic signals and signs. The sensor referred to as Lidar, or Light Detection and Ranging, uses lasers the same way radar uses radio waves to detect obstacles even in the dark. With developments like these being made, it’s clear that intelligent machines’ ability to transform our lives won’t stop here but will continue to grow as new advances are made.

One of such is this; Elon Musk predicted that “by the end of this year (2017) a Telsa will be able to drive from Los Angeles to New York City without a human touching the wheel” and we’ve seen as these has transcend even beyond our planet to Mars by launching Tesla Roadster and it passenger a Mannequin called SpaceX called Starman to pave way for future Space missions without anyone manning the rocket.

From all these and lots more that are happening in the tech community, it is worthy to conclude that the world of self-driving cars and other forms of machine intelligence is nearer than people think as proposed by Alan Turing in 1950 and this is why Railz, the first of its kinds blockchain-based next-generation protocol for a trillion machines to talk, negotiate, and deliver the internet of things economy in an intelligent way was created. It creates a universal language for machine conversations so that they can seamlessly carry out tasks and ease the way we live our lives and get things done. Thus, cities need to start thinking about how to rebuild and rezone to contain the dramatic changes that these self-driving vehicles will unleash on urban design.

Want to learn more? Head this way — https://vimeo.com/271441426

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Railz is a new Blockchain protocol to provide cryptographic ‘financial rails’ to power the new M2M economy enabling the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’.