Simple acts of kindness (pt. 2)

4 min readMay 1, 2023


I have written a part one of this and this shall be the final part of ‘simple acts of kindness.’

The rock (dwayne johnson) was speaking and he was telling the audience that when he was 15 years old he heard this quote and he will always keep it with himself. It is a beautiful quote.

The quote: it is nice to be important but it is more important to be nice

Some teenagers think being rude is “cool”. It really does not make sense. How is it cool? There is no proper reason why they find it cool and find it “weird” when someone tries to be social and just tries to be friends. I understand some people are naturally introverted but some teens force themselves to be introverted because it is “cool”. It is not. i know this because i am naturally introverted and i see people do this. Teenage life is hard. There are changes that occur hormonally, physically and mentally. At this age, adults must listen to the child and try to understand them. Teenage years are the years where it gets most tough. Personally it gets purely tough when we have to balance both mental health and other important tasks like getting good grades, being religious etc.

Personally I think the first step to be full of wisdom and to be kind is to just be religious. And focus on whatever you feel is right or whatever religion we are following. If we focus on our religion we will get to know that it is purely beautiful. When I started being peaceful, kind and wise was when I connected with Allah (SWT). I started being so deep in the connection I felt like all my pain was just removed. If I had a bad day I would just sit on the prayer mat and cry it all out for hours and hours and would not say a word. And when I would get up, I would feel refreshed. Like I started another day from the very start. Once me and my best friend had this horrible day at school. There was an argument that had taken place and none of us were even given the chance to speak. It was the most terrible day. Thinking about it makes me tear up. No one even listened and just attacked us so much emotionally. We were just kids. We can also make mistakes just like how teachers can. Me and my best friend cried for hours in school then when I reached home I locked the doors and prayed Zohr (second prayer of the day) which is at 1 pm and during the prayer I would start crying. I sat there and did not say a word but just cried and asked why that happened. I got up when it was Asr (third prayer) which is at 4 pm so I sat there for a few hours. I felt so light and calm afterwards. It is all about belief. If anyone is confused, my religion is Islam. Which I consider the most beautiful religion.

the picture i took after i got up

We all have that one friend who is the comfort friend. Who is always there for us. Well we should always ask that friend how they feel as well. The comfort friends also needs a comfort friend from time to time. Everyone has their own problems. Well I am and was always the comfort/therapist friend. I have three therapist friends but do not worry I listen to their problems as well. People are so comfortable with me that they trust me more than they trust their family members. My friend said that i do not judge her and listen with such perfection that is why she tells me more than she tells her sister. I feel so lucky and blessed. I have amazing communication skills which should be the second step to being kind. The way you talk can tell so much about someone. We should control our anger and sadness and be patient and calm and again the key to being patient and kind is being religious.




I am a youth co-ordinator of Maymaar Educational Foundation, A professional python programmer/coding, A great videographer and photographer and i write a lot.