forgive and let go

crystal b.
2 min readMay 12, 2024


Photo by ISKRA Photography on Unsplash

the story always started unexpected. the way i felt and the things i did, they don’t make sense. it came to an end and i lost my balance.

it took two people to make this play, but because of my selfish stupid last act (i admitted, it was crazy and really stupid), you managed to make me feel that i should take all the blame. and still i care, still i want the best for you. (what is wrong with me).

i was hurt. i was angry at myself and angry at you.

“The heart is not awakened by anger, even if it is for a just cause. Behind anger, there is always fear…More than anything else, the heart is awakened by forgiveness and trust — the opposites of anger and fear”

“Your greatest challenges are never about what other people do, but rather about how you respond. They are about whether you can accept, understand, and thus rise above the emotions that others’ actions cause inside you. Spiritual growth is not about you changing the world; it is about going within and changing yourself.

In making peace with the difficult human emotions of fear and anger, you rise above them and become trusting and forgiving of others. You recognize their Oneness with you, and you release your judgment” — Jeshua, Your Soul’s Gift by Robert Schwartz

the greatest lessons you gave me. i forgive myself and forgive you. i am letting it go and letting you go.

goodbye. i will miss you but i know this life is not the life. you have your lessons to continue and i have mine. i will be here silently, cheering for you and cheering for myself.

