Raisa Das
2 min readOct 18, 2023


Do you ever get the feeling that you don’t know where you are headed in life? And if so, how do you get over this feeling? Also, how do you know if this is a passing phase or something that is here to stay? Too many questions for a first post…I know right? But this is exactly what I have been experiencing in the past few months. I suppose this is all a part of growing older or maybe not.

I recently found out that I am an HSP, short for Highly Sensitive person. Well, I always knew that I felt a varied range of emotions, and a lot more than the people around but I never knew that there was an actual term for such people. So now that I know what do I do about it? Nothing really, I made my partner read about it so that he knew what he was dealing with. I guess at some level he already knew it, it’s not easy to be with someone who cries for the people who are victims of yet another random shooting in the US or for what’s happening in Ukraine or Gaza for that matter.

Anyway, coming back to the feeling of being lost, I think there’s a lot more to me than just eating, drinking, and being merry for no reason! That’s simply not enough for me. I truly believe that I need to find purpose in my life, more than ever before. And I am getting there, slowly but surely. I know that someday I will be happy and content not because I bought a new pair of shoes but because I did something that made me feel worthwhile.

Until then, keep digging.

