Raiyan sarwar
1 min readApr 18, 2024

Debunking the Myth: Cloud Seeding and Dubai’s Historic Rainfall.

Dubai recently made headlines for experiencing an extraordinary amount of rainfall - the most in 75 years! Within just 24 hours, the city was drenched with a whopping 254 millimeters of rain, an event that unfolded in three intense waves throughout the day.

Naturally, people were curious about what triggered such an unprecedented downpour. Some online chatter pointed towards cloud seeding as a potential explanation. But what exactly is cloud seeding? Well, it's a method used to coax clouds into producing more rain by introducing special substances, like salts, into them. These additives make the clouds heavier and more likely to release rain. It's a technique deployed in many countries, particularly in regions grappling with droughts.

However, experts quickly dismissed the idea that cloud seeding was responsible for the massive rainfall in Dubai. While cloud seeding is a topic of debate among scientists, it's not the culprit in this case. Countries like the US, China, and the UAE do use cloud seeding as part of their efforts to manage water resources, but its effectiveness and potential side effects remain uncertain.

So, while cloud seeding is an intriguing concept for water management, it's not the cause of Dubai's recent extreme rainfall.