Monitor Every Request in your application with Laravel Telescope.
Telescope provides insight into your application- requests, exceptions, log entries, database queries, queued jobs, mail, notifications, cache operations, scheduled tasks, variable dumps, and more.
It is very necessary for your Laravel application as it provides and lists every incoming request via API with the incoming parameters and response.
Follow the along to integrate the Laravel telescope into your application.
Step 1: Install the below package for telescope installation.
composer require laravel/telescope
After installing this package run the below command to publish the assets and migrations and migrate them.
php artisan telescope:install
php artisan migrate
Step 2: Accessing the telescope page
To access the route of the telescope go to your domain and hit “/telescope”.
Step 3: Enable or Disable the “/telescope” route
For Disabling the telescope once in production add the below line in your “.env” file
By default the above line is true in “config/telescope.php” To disable it set it to “false” and to again enable it set it to “true”.
Step 4: Enable night mode in the telescope
Go to your “app/Providers/TelescopeServiceProvider” Find the line :
Uncomment the above line and just refresh “/telescope” and you will be entering a night mode.
Finally, we have integrated the Laravel telescope in our application, just spend some time understanding its flow and you will never regret learning it.
There is more to it just visit the Laravel official documentation to find out more
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