Language limits us?

Raj Shethna
1 min readJun 9, 2024


Imagine you are at a place that makes you feel different, makes you feel the emotions you’ve never felt.

And after a while when you try to remember that moment or describe it to your friends, you just say- “ yeah that place is awesome” or “yeah it was so nice” or something generic.

If something is important enough to hold a place in your memory, and all you could say is “it was nice”, it means you are not able to describe that feeling in words. And most of the times, no one can’t, because there is no such word that could describe that feeling.

So basically, you are not able to share your experience because of the language.

Now, the most important source of knowlege expansion and knowledge transfer is through words, or better say, through language.

So, my question is, how would we grow efficiently if we could not share efficiently?

