End To End Cricket Data Analytics Project Using Python, Pandas and Power BI

Raj Mehta
3 min readJul 29, 2023

Problem Statement:

Welcome to an exciting project where planet Earth faces an imminent threat from invading aliens! These extraterrestrial beings are determined to conquer Earth, but there’s a glimmer of hope: They’ve challenged us to a high-stake T20 cricket match. The fate of humanity rests on the shoulders of the “BEST 11” cricket team we assemble to take on the Alien 11.

Requirement Scoping:

To ensure a fair and thrilling contest, we’ve established specific parameters to select the BEST 11 players for our team. To achieve this, we have followed the below parameters.

Data Cleaning and Transformation in Python Pandas:

Building Parameters Using DAX Function:

So, here I have created the following Measures and Calculated Columns in order to build a compelling Dashboard in PowerBI.

Building Dashboard in PowerBI:

Here are some of the Snippets from the Final Dashboard of our End to End Cricket Data Analytics Project.

Now,Here is the “Final 11” I have assembled to take on the “Aliens 11”.

I hope you find this Article Knowledgeable and could gain some insights from it.


