Note to coordinators

in Startups

Raj Roy
3 min readJul 18, 2014

If you are the person moving and shaking things in your start up then this excerpt is for you.

Coordinators are as close to modern day superman than anyone else in a budding company, don’t let anyone tell you any different; not even yourself.

I know because I am co building Preseed as its coorodinator.

For most of us it starts of with the will to do, to do almost anything that has some promise attached to it. You are probably overworked all the time; losing track of what day it is because you don’t sleep enough to keep track of that. If you are this person I will bet my life you get asked “why are you working so hard when you not getting paid?”

Well why do we do it? “if not us then who?”

You might feel that you are not appreciated enough but lets be honest your team needs you whether they know that or not. The speed at which you execute is faster than anyone on board, that is why you do what you do. The ability to take shit from people and still maintain a calm head and push forward separates you from the rest of your team. You don’t shy away from putting yourself in an embarrassing situation amidst your hackers and designers. You have a tendency of resonating with what you are working so hard for. Passing on ideas and messages come easy to you. Let’s not forget the people skills (although mine needs some work).

Truth is only you will know why you are working so hard, it because you believe that if you do then there will be progress. Success failure don't matter then. Progress is the only thing that is in your mind.

Just like rappers we have haters. Some even have the audacity of writing the following in their team page regarding an opening for Coordinator, “The monkey who’ll handle all the crazy folks and maintain the harmony among the organisation.” Although I have to appreciate because the guy had half a brain to write the second part of the sentence correctly, thank you Akshay.

I started out with helping with design, one of the easier things that came to me. Then I had to keep up with the momentum in managing databases; talking to all sorts of people about the opportunities that will sprout. Not in terms of monies, but it most cases hope i.e. belief. As far as we can understand the vision of what it is to be done, we will do it, and only with us does shit get done. Some call us hustlers, the go to guys, but all fail to notice we are mortals too. The culture, structure, and beliefs of the company keep brewing in our mind.

If you are like me then you don’t know if remote work is a bitch or the best thing ever.

