A step -by -step guide on How to create a telegram bot using python?

Rajnee Singh
3 min readAug 5, 2023


Telegram bots are created for various purposes and serve as valuable tools to interact with users and automate tasks within the Telegram messaging platform. Some common reasons why people create Telegram bots include automation, content distribution and productivity. In this blog we will talk about creating a Telegram bot using Python which is a very straightforward process. lets get started on this!!Follow these steps to set up your Telegram bot:

**Step 1: Install Required Libraries**

Ensure you have Python installed on your computer. You will also need the `python-telegram-bot` library, which simplifies interacting with Telegram’s Bot API. Install it using pip:

**Step 2: Create a Telegram Bot**

- Open the Telegram app and search for the “BotFather” bot.
- Start a chat with BotFather and use the `/newbot` command to create a new bot.
- Follow the instructions, and BotFather will provide you with a unique API token. Keep this token safe, as you will need it later to interact with the Bot API.

**Step 3: Set Up the Python Script**

Create a new Python script (e.g., `bot.py`) and import the necessary libraries:

**Step 4: Initialize the Bot**

In your Python script, initialize the bot using the API token you obtained from BotFather:

**Step 5: Create Command Handlers**

Create functions that handle different commands your bot can respond to. For example, let’s create a handler for the `/start` command:

**Step 6: Register Command Handlers**

Register the command handlers with the dispatcher:

**Step 7: Create Message Handler**

Create a function to handle regular text messages that users send to your bot:

**Step 8: Register Message Handler**

Register the message handler with the dispatcher:

**Step 9: Start the Bot**

Add the following code at the end of your script to start the bot:

**Step 10: Run the Bot**

Save your Python script and run it using the command:

Your Telegram bot is now up and running! Test it by sending the `/start` command to your bot, and it should reply with a welcome message. Additionally, it will echo back any text messages you send to it.

This is a basic example to get you started. You can further enhance your bot by adding more command handlers and implementing various features based on your requirements. The `python-telegram-bot` library documentation provides extensive information on how to build more sophisticated Telegram bots using Python. In next blog, we will talk about how to build a passive income using telegram bot.

