Visualization of Experiences | Changes, learnings, & kindness

Raja Muhammad Muzammil Hussain
4 min readOct 15, 2021


Definitely, Amal Academy & its environment gave me a lot. It was too hard for me to decide one moment from immense spectacular memories to state as the best.

After spending 30 minutes, I have decided to talk about one thing. The thing which has so much impact on my personality and the people linked with me as well. “The Acts of Kindness.” This is what I learned from Amal during 1st week.

Kindness and its Impact

I do remember that in the early 2 weeks of the Amal fellowship program, I had written a piece of content. And its title was The Five Acts of kindness, which is also published on Medium. After doing those activities, I was feeling blessed, helpful, and honored as a proud citizen of this village. These are some of the earliest moments of my life where I did participate in helping others. Solely, I was feeling comfortable and glad.

The satisfaction in helping others

These acts took me beyond myself and the boundaries I had in my mind!

They actually explored the importance of the hidden necessities of people, which they don’t express and ask from others. After doing this self-calming activity, I was willing to helping others, by making WhatsApp groups for blood donations, financial donations for needy people, giving tips about the English language, solving the problems, giving gratitude, and grab my subconscious as well.

Always there is one moment that comes in everybody’s life, which hits and boosts the speed of your upcoming doings. And the acts of kindness were one of them. You know one thing; this is all due to the Amal Academy.

Before doing this task, I did not have an idea that what it will be feeling like! But after working with my mother, making a cup of tea for my father, and helping my younger brothers in their electric shop were so much intrinsically fascinating experiences. Also, it was looking awkward that I was doing this stuff coming out of nothing. After doing these acts, I was observing that how a single course, class, or session can change you If you take it seriously.

Maybe I was feeling a little ashamed too. because I was thinking that I must have done these things before. Anyhow, thank you to the course creators and boosters to make me at this level.

“The purpose of life is being neglected in this world, do get it today.” Raja Muzammil

In addition to this, taking my friend to the doctor and planting the plants with my high school friends were also satisfying activities. It increased the relationship between me and my surroundings. I had not been in touch with my friends for 3 to 4 years. But after the opportunity, I decided to have a meetup. The amazing thing is that we do plan one gathering every two months afterward.

Maybe it is looking like a minor aspect. Actually, it is a lot for me. Because I got disconnected from my friends & social circle. It reconnected me with myself. I am feeling kind with my family and my surroundings now as well.

Where did it direct me?

Nowadays, I have been working on the social welfare of the blind community, teaching my juniors the tactics of speaking the English language, helping my classmates in research projects, and working for the environment to make it green.

Directly, it seems no relation to my benefit, but this is the one side of the coin. It is indirectly related to my satisfaction, happiness, and long-lasting fascination. Whenever I get distracted, I think about these five acts of helping others. And it makes me quite energetic and emotional again.

My future plans and first two weeks of Amal

Is there any impact of these two weeks on my plans? Absolutely, yes! There has been a good impact on my future doings; because I have been working voluntarily for others. I have decided that I will teach the students without any cost on English language speaking and confidence building. Furthermore, I am about to start the campaign through my social circle. I have designed a Google registration form for the students, where the students can easily approach me and the learnings. However, I will teach my students free of cost now.

And this is the real-time to give gratitude to the real cause.

