A Whistle can replace UBER ?

OneWhistle Inc
1 min readMar 12, 2017


One of the pressing problem today is to find taxis which have meters. The leading taxi aggregators have a temporary solution. It has been affordable so far but the billion dollar question is how it will be? They literally throwing money on the drivers in the form of “incentives” to keep them on the road as well as on customers in the form of cash back/offers. Both are Unsustainable in the long run. From drives they take back the incentives in the form of “Commission”. Since they don’t have access to technology and their inability to spend for marketing they all end up paying their hard earned money to them. This is where DoWhistle strikes.

In one shot it solves problems on two fronts. Now customers can find taxis nearby with meters which isn’t the case earlier. For drivers they don’t need to pay a large part of their hard earned money as commission since DoWhistle charges on a nominal monthly subscription. People Deserve to have what they Earn. We at DoWhistle always believe in “Empowering people through technology and make a difference in people’s lives”

