All you need to know about Bouncy Castle Storage and Maintenance practices

Raja Kabir
4 min readSep 23, 2017


Inflatable castles have always been a popular feature at kiddy parties and gatherings. These structures were originally used to protect tennis courts from various natural and man-made hazards, but soon afterward, the inventor noticed that these objects could be bounced upon providing much fun and joy to his colleagues.

From there, the concept evolved. More and more innovation came in over time, and thus, we have what we have today.

Image- A modern bouncy castle

Now, in this article, we have discussed a handful number of inflatable storage and maintenance practices in thorough detail for your reference. If you are one involved in the bouncy castle business, you may benefit tremendously from the list highlighted below. So pay attention as closely as possible.

Introducing proper usage guidelines

It is important for you to maintain the quality of your castle after purchase to get the maximum amount of utility from it.

For that, you need to introduce a proper set of usage guidelines and ensure that your customers are aware of such rules at one, and the same time. The following list can help:

· Do ensure that the bouncy castle is placed on a flat surface.

· DO NOT allow anyone to get on to the castle with shoes on. Shoes can very easily inflict irreparable damage to the castle.

· DO NOT allow sharp objects inside. This is inclusive of things like cutlery, glasses, cups, belts, jewelry, belts, and so on.

· DO NOT allow drinks or food inside the castle.

· Ensure that those who are using the equipment are of the recommended age group (this is very important; never ignore this at any possible cost).

· Proper adult supervision should be ensured at all possible times, especially when children get onto your bouncy castle.

· And finally, ensure that your castles are dry for long term-storage. Wet castles MUST NOT be stored at any possible cost.

Maintenance of the blower

You should use fan canopies for this purpose of yours.

Fan canopies are made from PVC and are used to protect the blower or the fan from external objects or inquisitive fingers.

These canopies are typically positioned over the fan to prevent the entry of moisture and other foreign objects ensuring that the device maintains it efficiency for a longer period of time.

Getting a well-stocked repair kit for mending purposes

Bouncy castle repair kit

Source- eBay

You must have a well-stocked repair kit with yourself in case a puncture occurs right out of the blues. Preparing for the worst is something that can make all the differences in the world for good.

A bouncy castle repair kit should have things like:

· Replacement material patches: These patches come in various colors (transparent patches are also available) and can be cut to the appropriate shape as per requirement through means of a pair of scissors.

· Adhesive: This will help you stick the patches on to the affected region. Just make sure you get a powerful adhesive from the market for this purpose of yours.

· Thread and needle: These are capable alternatives to adhesive. You can use the thread and the needle to sew the replacement patches over the affected region. Just make sure the thread is strong enough for your purpose.

Cleaning equipment

You must ensure that your inflatable castles are cleaned periodically to maintain proper efficiency over a longer period of time. Conventional cleaning solutions available in the market can easily come in handy for this purpose of yours.

Even a sponge water bath can do the job effectively well and way beyond your expectation.


You are advised to store the castles in storage bags that usually come with the castles themselves at the time of the purchase. In case they don’t, you can buy yourself a few from the market for your own good.

Also, ensure that the castles are stored in a dry environment; not in a damp and dark room.

Note: Wet bouncy castles should never be stored at any possible cost.

So that’s basically it. Hope the tips mentioned above come in handy for you. Cheerio!

Information shared by bouncy castle hire Manchester

