Eustachian tube dysfunction

Rajandeep Singh
2 min readDec 15, 2018


Eustachian tube dysfunction is a troublesome disorder that occurs in children and adults.

So 1stquestion — What is an Eustachian tube?

Ans- It is a small tube that runs between your middle ear and upper throat.

Function :- it is responsible for equalising Ear pressure and draining Fluid from middle ear.

Next — what causes its dysfunction or Blockage?

Allergies, common cold, sinus infections, altitude change like flying on a plane, travelling through mountains etc.

What are the symptoms?

  1. Fullness in ear
  2. Feeling like your ears are ‘ plugged ‘
  3. Tinnitus — ringing in ears
  4. Ticklish feeling in ears
  5. Pressure buildup
  6. Pain

ETD symptoms can last for few days to few months depending upon the cause

People should see a doctor if it is severe or lasting for more than 2 weeks.

Doctor can diagnose your condition by looking in your ear, nose or throat.

For further evaluation your doctor might ask for Nasal Endoscopy — which is a very minor procedure where he looks into nasopharynx to check any kind of nasal swelling, Adenoids, congestion.

Now Treatment — sometimes it resolves on its own with few breathing exercises. But In Stubborn cases, Where it persists — Your doctor will evaluate your cause and prescribe your medications.

For people with nasal congestion — as stuffy nose leads to stuffy ears — various nasal sprays — For Allergies — Antihistamines, Steroidal nasal spray,Nasal decongestants, saline spray can be used.

Along with these medications — Steam Inhalation and breathing exercises are also must — to unblock nose and ears

Steam inhalation — 3–4 times a day — while taking steam — inhale and exhale.

Some exercises –

  1. Valsalva- Here you take a deep breath and pinch your nose and try to blow out with your mouth closed. — it is a very useful exercise to pop up your eustachian tube. It should be done from 20–30 times in a day. Caution — this exercise should be done gently — too much pressure can harm your ear drums and gets you dizzy as well.
  2. Swallowing — here you can take a deep breath, pinch your nose and instead blowing it out.. Try to swallow.
  3. Yoga for nose blockage — Alom vilom, Kapalbharti
  4. Massage your ears
  5. Drink lots of fluids — warm water, tea

This article was first published on’s blog by Dr Avneet Ahuja

