Understanding the Cost of IELTS for Canada: A Comprehensive Guide

Raj Anand
3 min readJun 15, 2023


The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a widely recognized English proficiency test that is accepted by many countries, including ielts for Canada fees, for immigration, study, and work purposes. If you are considering applying for immigration or pursuing higher education in Canada, it is crucial to understand the cost associated with taking the IELTS exam. In this comprehensive guide, we will break down the various expenses involved in the IELTS test and provide you with the information you need to plan your budget effectively.

Registration Fee:

The first cost you will encounter when preparing for the IELTS test is the registration fee. The fee may vary depending on the test location and is set by the test center or organization conducting the exam. In Canada, the registration fee for the IELTS test typically ranges from $240 to $320 CAD.

Study Materials:

To perform well on the IELTS test, it is essential to prepare thoroughly. While there are many free resources available online, you may also consider investing in additional study materials such as books, practice tests, and online courses. The cost of study materials can vary depending on the resources you choose, ranging from $50 to $200 CAD or more.

Test Preparation:

Some test takers may opt for professional test preparation courses or tutoring to enhance their English language skills and familiarize themselves with the format of the IELTS test. These courses can be beneficial, but they come at an additional cost. The cost of test preparation courses can range from $300 to $1500 CAD, depending on the duration and intensity of the program.

Travel Expenses:

If you reside far from the test center, you may need to factor in travel expenses. This could include transportation costs such as airfare, train tickets, or gas money, as well as accommodation expenses if an overnight stay is required. The travel expenses will vary depending on your location and the distance to the test center.

Additional Test Report Forms (TRFs):

After receiving your test results, you may need to send them to multiple institutions or organizations. Each additional Test Report Form (TRF) comes at an extra cost. In Canada, the cost of each additional TRF is typically around $20 to $25 CAD. It is advisable to order extra copies of your test results at the time of registration to avoid additional charges later.

Retake Fees:

In the event that you do not achieve your desired score, you may choose to retake the IELTS test. However, each retake incurs a separate fee. The cost of retaking the IELTS test in Canada is generally the same as the initial registration fee, ranging from $240 to $320 CAD.

Score Re-evaluation:

If you believe that your test results do not accurately reflect your performance, you have the option to request a re-evaluation of your scores. However, there is a fee associated with this process, which varies depending on the test center. In Canada, the score re-evaluation fee typically ranges from $100 to $200 CAD.

It is essential to keep in mind that the costs mentioned above are approximate and can vary depending on various factors such as the test center, location, and exchange rates. It is advisable to visit the official IELTS website or contact the test center directly for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the costs.

In conclusion, understanding the cost of IELTS for Canada is crucial when planning to take the exam. By considering the registration fee, study materials, test preparation, travel expenses, additional TRFs, retake fees, and score re-evaluation charges, you can effectively budget for the entire process.

