Why Java 8 version is the most tremendous all the Java version

Rajan Sharma
8 min readMay 26, 2024

Java 8, released in March 2014, brought significant enhancements and new features that set it apart from previous versions of Java.

Here are some key differences and improvements that make Java 8 unique:

1. Lambda Expressions

Lambda expressions provide a clear and concise way to represent one method interface using an expression. This feature allows you to treat functionality as a method argument or pass code as data. The syntax for lambda expressions is much shorter and more readable compared to anonymous inner classes.

2. Stream API

The Stream API is a powerful feature that allows for functional-style operations on streams of elements. Streams can be used for processing collections of objects in a declarative way (similar to SQL statements) and can leverage multi-core architectures without the need for explicit multithreading.

3. Default Methods

Java 8 introduced default methods (also known as defender methods) in interfaces. This allows you to add new methods to interfaces without breaking the existing implementations. This feature helps in evolving APIs by adding new methods to interfaces without affecting the classes that implement these interfaces.

4. Optional Class

The Optional class provides a way to handle null values more gracefully. It is a container object which may or may not contain a non-null value. It helps in avoiding null pointer exceptions and reduces the need for explicit null checks.

5. New Date and Time API

Java 8 introduced a new date and time API under the package java.time. This new API is inspired by the Joda-Time library and offers a more comprehensive and flexible model for date and time manipulation compared to the old java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar classes.

6. Nashorn JavaScript Engine

Java 8 comes with a new JavaScript engine called Nashorn, which allows embedding JavaScript code within Java applications. This engine provides better performance and is fully compliant with the ECMAScript 5.1 specification.

7. Method References

Method references are a shorthand notation of a lambda expression to call a method. They allow you to refer to methods directly by their names, and the syntax is more compact and readable. For example, Person::getName is a method reference to the getName method of the Person class.

8. Type Annotations

Java 8 extends the annotation capabilities with type annotations. Annotations can now be applied to any use of a type, allowing for better type-checking and integration with tools like error detection and code analysis.

9. Concurrent Accumulators

New concurrent accumulator classes like LongAdder and DoubleAdder are introduced for better performance in highly-concurrent environments. These classes provide a way to accumulate values across multiple threads more efficiently.

10. PermGen Space Removal

Java 8 replaced the Permanent Generation (PermGen) space with Metaspace. Metaspace handles memory management differently and offers better performance and easier tuning of memory usage for JVM class metadata.


Java 8’s introduction of lambda expressions, the Stream API, default methods, a new date and time API, and various other features marked a significant evolution in the Java language and platform.

These changes aimed to improve developer productivity, code readability, and performance, making Java 8 a standout release in the history of the Java programming language.

Story of another version of Java which were released after the Java 8 version

After Java 8, several versions of Java were released, each bringing new features, improvements, and updates.

Here’s a summary of the notable changes in each subsequent major release:

Java 9 (September 2017)

  1. Module System (Project Jigsaw):
  • Introduction of the Java Platform Module System (JPMS) for better modularity and encapsulation of code.
  • The JDK itself was modularized, allowing developers to create more modular and maintainable applications.

2. JShell (REPL):

  • JShell, a Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) tool, was introduced for interactive programming and testing snippets of Java code.

3. Enhanced Process API:

  • Improvements to the Process API for better control and management of operating system processes.

4. HTTP/2 Client:

  • A new HTTP client that supports HTTP/2 and WebSocket, replacing the legacy HttpURLConnection.

5. Factory Methods for Collections:

  • New static factory methods for creating immutable collections (e.g., List.of(), Set.of(), Map.of()).

Java 10 (March 2018)

  1. Local Variable Type Inference:
  • Introduction of the var keyword, allowing local variables to have their types inferred by the compiler.

2. Garbage-Collector Interface:

  • A clean interface for garbage collectors to enhance flexibility and enable easier integration of new GC algorithms.

3. Application Class-Data Sharing:

  • An enhancement to improve startup and footprint by sharing common class metadata between JVM instances.

Java 11 (September 2018)

  1. Long-Term Support (LTS):
  • Java 11 is an LTS release, providing extended support and stability for enterprise use.

2. New HTTP Client API:

  • Full implementation of the new HTTP Client API introduced in Java 9, supporting HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2.

3. Removal of Java EE and CORBA Modules:

  • Deprecated Java EE and CORBA modules were removed from the JDK.

4. Local-Variable Syntax for Lambda Parameters:

  • Extension of var to lambda expressions for improved type inference.

5. String Methods Enhancements:

  • New methods in the String class such as lines(), repeat(), isBlank(), and strip().

Java 12 (March 2019)

  1. JVM Constants API:
  • Introduction of the constant API to model nominal descriptions of key class-file and run-time artifacts.

2. Switch Expressions (Preview):

  • Enhanced switch statements to be used as expressions, simplifying the syntax and increasing flexibility.

3 .Default CDS Archives:

  • Extension of Class-Data Sharing (CDS) to include the default class list for improved startup performance.

Java 13 (September 2019)

  1. Text Blocks (Preview):
  • Introduction of text blocks to simplify multi-line string literals with better readability and reduced need for escape sequences.

2. Reimplementation of the Legacy Socket API:

  • A new implementation for the legacy Socket API for better performance and scalability.

Java 14 (March 2020)

  1. Switch Expressions (Standard):
  • Finalization of switch expressions introduced as a preview in Java 12 and 13.

2. Records (Preview):

  • Introduction of records to simplify the creation of immutable data classes.

3. Pattern Matching for instanceof (Preview):

  • Simplification of type checks with pattern matching for the instanceof operator.

Java 15 (September 2020)

  1. Text Blocks (Standard):
  • Text blocks became a standard feature for easier handling of multi-line strings.

2. Sealed Classes (Preview):

  • Introduction of sealed classes to restrict which classes can extend or implement them, providing more control over class hierarchies.

3. Hidden Classes:

  • Support for hidden classes that are intended for frameworks and libraries that dynamically generate classes at runtime.

Java 16 (March 2021)

  1. Records (Standard):
  • Records became a standard feature, simplifying the creation of data-carrying classes.

2. Pattern Matching for instanceof (Standard):

  • Pattern matching for the instanceof operator became a standard feature.

3 . Strong Encapsulation for JDK Internals:

  • Stronger encapsulation of JDK internals to encourage the use of standard APIs and discourage reliance on internal classes.

Java 17 (September 2021)

  1. Long-Term Support (LTS):
  • Java 17 is an LTS release, ensuring long-term support and stability.

2 .Sealed Classes (Standard):

  • Sealed classes became a standard feature, allowing more controlled inheritance hierarchies.

3 .Pattern Matching for switch (Preview):

  • Introduction of pattern matching for switch statements and expressions to simplify complex data-oriented queries.

Java 18 (March 2022)

  1. Simple Web Server:
  • A command-line tool and API to start a minimal HTTP file server for simple testing and development purposes.

2. UTF-8 by Default:

  • UTF-8 became the default charset for java.io and java.nio APIs, enhancing consistency across platforms.

Java 19 (September 2022)

  1. Virtual Threads (Preview):
  • Project Loom’s virtual threads for lightweight concurrency, simplifying thread management and improving scalability.

2. Structured Concurrency (Incubator):

  • Structured concurrency to streamline error handling and cancellation by treating multiple tasks running in different threads as a single unit of work.

Java 20 (March 2023)

  1. Scoped Values (Incubator):
  • Introduction of scoped values for easier sharing of immutable data within and across threads.

2. Record Patterns (Preview):

  • Enhancements to pattern matching, allowing deconstruction of record values directly in patterns.

Java 21 (September 2023)

  1. Sequenced Collections:
  • Sequenced collections interface to unify List and Deque implementations.

2 . Virtual Threads (Second Preview):

  • Continued refinement and stabilization of virtual threads for better performance and usability.


The updates from Java 9 onwards have introduced a wide range of features aimed at improving developer productivity, application performance, and the overall robustness of the Java platform.

These features reflect a shift towards more modern programming paradigms, better tooling, and enhanced language capabilities.

Story of Java version which were released before the Java 8 version.

Before Java 8, several versions of Java were released, each introducing important features and enhancements that contributed to the evolution of the Java platform.

Here’s a summary of the notable features from each major release leading up to Java 8:

Java 1.0 (January 1996)

Core Features:

  • Basic language syntax and the core API.
  • AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) for GUI programming.
  • Applets, allowing Java programs to run within web browsers.

Java 1.1 (February 1997)

  1. Inner Classes:
  • Support for inner classes and nested classes.

2. JavaBeans:

  • Component architecture for reusable software components.

3. JDBC (Java Database Connectivity):

  • Standard API for database-independent connectivity.
  • RMI (Remote Method Invocation):
  • Mechanism for invoking methods on remote objects.

4. Reflection API:

  • Ability to inspect classes, interfaces, fields, and methods at runtime.

Java 1.2 (December 1998, also known as Java 2)

  1. Swing:
  • New GUI components with a more flexible and powerful model than AWT.

2. Collections Framework:

  • Unified architecture for representing and manipulating collections of objects.

3. JIT (Just-In-Time) Compiler:

  • Enhanced performance through dynamic compilation.

4. Java Plug-in:

  • Improved integration with web browsers.

Java 1.3 (May 2000)

  1. HotSpot JVM:
  • Introduction of the HotSpot virtual machine for improved performance.

2. JavaSound:

  • Framework for sound capture, processing, and playback.

3. RMI over IIOP:

  • Support for Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) in RMI.

Java 1.4 (February 2002)

  1. Assertions:
  • Added the ability to include assertion statements in code for debugging.

2. NIO (New Input/Output):

  • Non-blocking I/O operations and improved file handling.

3. Logging API:

  • Built-in logging capabilities.

4. XML Processing:

  • SAX and DOM parsers integrated into the core API.

5. Regular Expressions:

  • Support for regular expressions through the java.util.regex package.

Java 5 (September 2004, also known as Java 1.5)

  1. Generics:
  • Type-safe collections and other generic types.

2. Enhanced for Loop:

  • Simplified iteration over collections and arrays.

3. Autoboxing/Unboxing:

  • Automatic conversion between primitive types and their corresponding wrapper classes.

4. Enumerations:

  • Support for enumerated types.

5. Varargs:

  • Methods can accept a variable number of arguments.

6. Annotations:

  • Metadata added to Java code for various purposes like configuration and documentation.

7. Concurrency Utilities:

  • Enhanced support for concurrent programming through the java.util.concurrent package.

Java 6 (December 2006)

  1. Scripting API:
  • Integration with scripting languages (e.g., JavaScript via JSR 223).

2. Compiler API:

  • Programmatic access to the Java compiler.

3. Web Services:

  • Improvements and support for SOAP-based web services (JAX-WS).

4. Pluggable Annotations Processing:

  • Enhanced annotation processing through the APT (Annotation Processing Tool).

5. JDBC 4.0:

  • Improvements in database connectivity.

Java 7 (July 2011)

  1. Project Coin:
  • Small language changes including the diamond operator, multi-catch exceptions, try-with-resources, strings in switch statements, and more.

2. NIO.2:

  • Enhanced file system and I/O operations, including a new file API.

3. Fork/Join Framework:

  • Improved support for parallel processing and concurrent programming.

4. InvokeDynamic:

  • Bytecode instruction to facilitate dynamic language implementations on the JVM.

5. Timsort:

  • Enhanced sorting algorithm for better performance with sorted data.

These features from earlier Java versions laid the groundwork for the significant enhancements introduced in Java.

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