Digital Marketing Internship Program by Mr. Deepak Kanakaraju

Chandan Kumar
8 min readDec 21, 2019


Digital marketing internship program by Deepak Kanakaraju

Digital Marketing is an emerging industry with a lot of opportunities and possibilities. It is also a very vast field we may consider it like a forest also and it is very tough to cross this dense forest without any proper map or guidance.

I am a digital marketing enthusiast from a very long time but I was not a doer one, I used to read blogs and always made my mind to start a blog or start writing on a niche, but due to hesitation or say lack of confidence and discipline, I always dropped it in mid only. I feel it was just because of a lack of discipline or a lack of mentorship. Anyone can be the reason or everyone also.

As I told in an earlier paragraph that one requires a mentor with a good map and plan to cross this Digital Marketing Jungle, like that I also needed a guru, a mentor to start my journey as well as complete it too and my search ended with this program. I am very grateful to Mr. Deepak sir who thought of creating this unique course.

I don’t remember exactly when I subscribed to One day I got an email from Deepak sir about this internship program in which he personally will mentor his students on the subject of Digital Marketing. I was very much excited but bit scared too, I was thinking of fees as it was a paid internship program, my perception was that if the authority in Digital Marking is going to mentor, it must be very much costlier. But I was wrong, when I came to know about the fees, I was shocked. It was only Rs 11,800, it was much cheaper than any traditional offline digital marketing course and getting mentored by the authority of Digital Marketing “Mr. Deepak Kanakaraju”. It is a 3 month paid internship program with an opportunity of placement at the culmination of the course and one more good news is that by doing one’s homework/ assignments sincerely, one can get his money back in means of rewards which are paid on timely completion of assignments. I suddenly signed up for the program without a delay of a minute, I was scared that if all seats would filled then I could only get enrolled on Feb 20, another delay of three months. Fortunately, I enrolled.

Friends let me tell you that this article is a part of the assignment, we students had got in our first class session which was held on 18 Dec 19. I will be providing an overview of the points covered in our first session as well as try to make you aware of the lessons I learned in this session.

Finding the Gold

Finding and extracting the gold

“Finding the Gold” means finding the profitable niche by market survey and research to start the journey. This step ascertains the half of the success of an individual. Then Mr. Deepak gave us an overview of how economics runs, what is Inflation and what is deflation? And how a recession occurs. How money supply works to make a country prosper. We also learned how the recession will not hamper well established and strong companies. He also referred to the book “Economics 101” by Alfred Mill to get our basics clear. This book is also in his seven must-read books list which recommends to his mailing list.

Key Basic Skills of a Digital Marketer.

The key basic and necessary skill required to become a digital marketer is communication and writing skill. Don’t be scared if you don’t have this trait (I too lack this, I should let you know that this my first ever article) then don’t worry anymore you can master this skill by doing this exercises consistently:-

(a) Read 30 min a day

(b) Listen to podcasts 30 min a day

(c ) Write a minimum of 500 words a day to hone the writing skill.

(d) Watch English sitcoms

Scope of Digital Marketing.

When one starts his career in any field, the first question arises in his mind that am I choosing the right field, will it survive and prosper forever? The same question came to mind also when I decided to work in Digital Marketing. Digital marketing is only a way of doing traditional marketing with technology. It is just a change of the medium. Marketing never dies, it is since we started exchanging products for our needs in long back in history and marketing has only grown in the course of time. Even a lot of scientists have done researched and populated “Theories and principles of Marketing”. Mr. Philip Kotler postulated marketing principles in 1980 in his book “Principles of Marketing” and these principles are still being used in the modern age of digital marketing after four decades also.

Long before my perception was that marketing is only about advertisement we used to see on posters and televisions and after studying marketing I came to know that I was wrong it is a lot more than that. Marketing starts from finding a need for the product in society or humankind and then solving this need with a product. So the need is never going to die, so shall marketing as well as digital marketing. The earlier man used to travel on animals then we invented carts pulled by animals then we invented bicycles, then motorcycles then cars then the airplane and still we are inventing new means of travel so it is a never-ending process.

Many times this thought comes in mind of us that in this era of Artificial Intelligence our efforts will be replaced by robots, but in this session this perception was also cleared by Deepak Sir, he told that only humans can understand the emotion of human and still a human can take important decisions, so human mind can never be replaced with a robot.

Integrated Digital Marketing.

Integrated Digital Marketing

We came to know about the concept of Integrated Digital Marketing. Spirit of Digital Marketing is in Content. Once you create content and do SEO or Search Engine/ Social Media Marketing, you could be able to deliver your quality contents to the person who requires it. And by use of lead magnets and sign up forms you can acquire email and contact details of subscribers and these contacts can be useful for email marketing and selling/ converting the leads in regular customers. It was a very amazing concept we came to know.

Selecting a Niche.

The Riches are in the Niches

Being a specialist in a niche is more profitable than being a generalist. Have you ever heard that an MBBS doctor charges more fees than any specialist like Cardiologist, neurologist, etc. and He is also more renown than any general doctor. That means creating authority in any niche is more profitable and respectful. It is well said that

If you are everything to everyone, you will be nothing to no one

Doing Market Research for the niche.

Further, Mr. Deepak sir also taught us about doing the market research for the keywords for niches. He told us that one has to select a niche of his passion, as it fuels one in every odd and even circumstances and helps to move forward ever.

“Necessity is the Mother of Inventions”

We have learned this quote since our childhood and same is applicable herein, one has to explore around his problems, if he is suffering from that there must be more people who must have to go through same problem, so you should find out the solution and market it with technology means digital marketing, that is it, seems so simple but need consistency.

Keywords and Competitors Research.

Further, we learned that the best way to find the market need is to find what people are searching for by using various keyword tools that are available on the internet, some are premium one and some are freemium. List of few reputable Keyword tools is:-

(a) Google Keyword Planner — This is a free tool provided by Google.

(b) Ubersuggest — This Free Keyword tool is from Neil Patel he is an authority in SEO.


(c ) Answer the Public — It is also a free tool, here you will get longtail keywords/ title of the blog or article that means if you search a keyword you will find what type of questions people are searching on the internet.

(d) Ahrefs, Moz, SEMrush — These are premium Keyword tools as well as they provide a lot of information about a keyword, even you can find keywords for which a blog is ranked in the search results and many more features to help in making strategies and planning SEO.

(e) Google Search Console — Have you ever noticed while doing Google search that when you start typing some words, some automatic suggestions start populating, these are very useful longtail keywords and below the SERP there is section Search related to section, these keywords are also very important while doing SEO and keyword research.

(f) — This is also a free keyword tool premium subscription option for more options, but the free version is sufficient for a beginner. It provides Google Autocomplete long-tail keyword tool for other search engines as well as for digital market places like Amazon, Alibaba and Fiverr too.

(g) Google Trends — This tool provides info about which topics are getting hot or not. You can find out how competitor brand manes match with your brand name. you can find out for topics across the countries also.

Always to keep in mind the

Higher Purchase Intent, Higher the market opportunity.

The session went for around two hours, but we learned a lot from this. Moreover, I still can’t believe that I have written this long article, I am the person who starts severing and making nonsense excused to escape from writing anything. All credit goes to our mentor Mr. Deepak sir, thanks a lot sir for introducing this unique mentorship program helping us all.

