Building Cross-Platform Desktop Apps with Flutter for Web

Rajdeepsinh Gohil
10 min readApr 4, 2024


The demand for desktop applications remains strong. Businesses need software that runs seamlessly on Windows, macOS, and Linux machines. Traditionally, building separate desktop apps for each platform has been a time-consuming and resource-intensive process.

This is where Flutter for web comes in as a game-changer. By leveraging the capabilities of Flutter for web, developers can now create cross-platform desktop applications. This means you can write a single codebase in Dart, Flutter’s programming language, and deploy it as a desktop app that runs natively on different operating systems. This approach offers significant advantages in terms of development efficiency, cost savings, and maintaining a consistent user experience across platforms.

In this article, we’ll delve into the world of building cross-platform desktop apps with Flutter for web. We’ll explore the benefits of this approach, guide you through the development process, and equip you with the knowledge to create powerful and versatile desktop applications using a single codebase.

Benefits of Building Desktop Apps with Flutter for Web

The ability to develop cross-platform desktop applications with Flutter for web offers a compelling value proposition for developers and businesses alike. Here are some key benefits to consider:

1. Reduced Development Time and Cost

Traditionally, building separate desktop apps for Windows, macOS, and Linux required writing and maintaining codebases specific to each platform. This not only doubled or tripled development time but also significantly increased costs. With Flutter for web, developers can leverage a single codebase written in Dart. This eliminates the need for platform-specific coding, leading to faster development cycles and substantial cost savings.

2. Faster Time to Market

Imagine having a single codebase ready to deploy as a desktop app across different platforms. This translates to a significant reduction in the time taken to launch your application. Businesses can reach a wider audience faster and capitalize on market opportunities more effectively.

3. Consistent User Experience

Maintaining a consistent look and feel across different desktop environments is crucial for a seamless user experience. Flutter excels in this aspect. Since you’re using the same codebase, the core UI components and functionalities of your desktop app will remain consistent regardless of the underlying operating system. This ensures a familiar and intuitive experience for users on Windows, macOS, and Linux machines.

4. Leveraging Web Features

One might assume that building a desktop app with Flutter for web restricts access to native desktop functionalities. However, this is not entirely true. Flutter allows developers to leverage platform channels, which act as bridges between the Dart code and native functionalities. This enables features like file system integration and native notifications within your desktop app, even when built using web technologies.

Getting Started with Flutter for Desktop

Before diving into the exciting world of building cross-platform desktop apps with Flutter for the web, let’s ensure you have the necessary tools and software in place.

1. Prerequisites

  1. Flutter SDK:
    The foundation of your development journey lies in the Flutter SDK (Software Development Kit). This comprehensive toolkit includes all the essential tools and libraries needed to build Flutter apps. You can download the latest version of the Flutter SDK from the official website. Installation instructions are available for various operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux) to ensure a smooth setup process.

2. Code Editor or IDE:
While you can technically write Flutter code in any text editor, using a code editor or Integrated Development Environment (IDE) provides a significantly more enhanced development experience. Popular options include:

  • Visual Studio Code: A free and open-source code editor with excellent Flutter and Dart support through extensions.
  • Android Studio: The official IDE for Android development, also offers robust support for Flutter development.
  • IntelliJ IDEA: A powerful IDE from JetBrains that provides comprehensive features for various programming languages, including Flutter and Dart.

3. Flutter and Dart plugins:
Once you’ve chosen your preferred code editor or IDE, make sure to install the necessary plugins to enable Flutter and Dart functionality. These plugins typically offer features like code completion, syntax highlighting, debugging tools, and hot reload support, significantly streamlining your development workflow.

4. Basic understanding of Dart:
Since Flutter applications are written in Dart, having a basic understanding of this programming language will be beneficial. Dart is a modern, object-oriented language known for its readability and ease of learning. If you’re new to Dart, there are numerous online resources and tutorials available to get you started.

With these prerequisites in place, you’ll be well-equipped to begin building your cross-platform desktop application with Flutter for web!

2. Enable Desktop Support

Now that you have the necessary tools and knowledge, let’s enable desktop support in your Flutter project. Here’s a straightforward approach:

  1. Open your existing Flutter project in your preferred code editor or IDE.
  2. Navigate to your project’s root directory where the pubspec.yaml file resides. This file serves as the configuration file for your Flutter project.
  3. Enable Desktop Platforms: Open the pubspec.yaml file and locate the flutter section. Inside this section, you’ll find a key named platforms. This key specifies the platforms your application is intended to run on. By default, it’s likely set to [web].
  4. Add Desktop Platforms to the list: To enable desktop support, add the desired desktop platforms to the platforms list. Here’s an example:
code snippet

5. Save the pubspec.yaml file.

By making these changes, you’ve informed Flutter that your project now targets not only web but also the specified desktop platforms

3. Project Structure

A well-organized project structure is essential for maintaining a clean and manageable codebase, especially as your desktop application grows in complexity. While Flutter doesn’t enforce a specific structure, here’s a common and recommended approach for desktop projects:

1. lib directory:
This directory is the heart of your application and contains all the core Dart code for your desktop app. It typically houses the following subdirectories:

  • main.dart: The entry point of your application. This file contains the runApp function that bootstraps your Flutter app.
  • widgets: This directory holds all the reusable UI components (widgets) that make up your application’s user interface. You can further organize widgets into subdirectories based on functionality or feature areas.

2. assets directory:
This directory stores all the static assets used by your application, such as images, fonts, and icons.

3. pubspec.yaml:
As mentioned earlier, this file serves as the configuration file for your Flutter project. It specifies dependencies, project settings, and now, with desktop support enabled, the targeted platforms.

Additional Considerations:

  • Platform-Specific Code: For functionalities that require interaction with native desktop features (e.g., file system access), you might have separate code directories for each platform (e.g., windows, macos, linux). These directories would typically hold platform-specific code written in the native languages (e.g., C++ for Windows). However, Flutter’s platform channels aim to minimize the need for such platform-specific code.
  • Test directory: It’s highly recommended to include a test directory for unit and integration tests to ensure the quality and maintainability of your codebase.

4. Building the UI with Flutter Widgets for Desktop

One of the core strengths of Flutter lies in its rich set of widgets for building user interfaces. While many core widgets translate well to desktop applications, there are also specific widgets designed to provide a more native desktop experience. Here’s an overview:

1. Understanding Widgets:
Widgets are the building blocks of Flutter UIs. They represent a visual element or a portion of the user interface and can be combined to create complex layouts. Widgets come with built-in functionalities and can be customized to achieve the desired look and feel.

2. Common Desktop UI Widgets:

  • Material Widgets: Flutter’s Material Design library provides a wide range of widgets optimized for desktop applications. These include:
  • Buttons: ElevatedButton, TextButton, OutlinedButton for different button styles with familiar desktop aesthetics.
  • Text Fields: TextField, TextFormField for single-line and multi-line text input with features like validation and decoration.
  • Menus: Menu, PopupMenuButton, DropdownButton for creating various menu options like context menus and dropdown lists.
  • Dialogs: AlertDialog, SimpleDialog for displaying modal dialogs with messages, actions, and different layouts.
  • Cupertino Widgets: For applications targeting a more macOS-like look and feel, Flutter offers Cupertino widgets:
  • CupertinoButton: Provides a button style similar to native macOS buttons.
  • CupertinoTextField: Offers a text field with a design that aligns with macOS aesthetics.

3. Customizing Widgets:
The beauty of Flutter lies in its flexibility. You can customize existing widgets using properties and functionalities to achieve the desired visual appearance and behavior. Additionally, you can create custom widgets to cater to specific needs of your desktop application.

Example — Creating a Desktop Window:

Here’s a basic example demonstrating how to create a simple desktop window using Flutter widgets:

This code snippet creates a basic window with an app bar and a centered text message. You can further build upon this foundation by adding more widgets and layouts to create a comprehensive desktop application.

5. Interacting with the Desktop Environment (Platform-Specific Considerations)

While Flutter excels at building beautiful UIs, certain functionalities require deeper interaction with the underlying desktop environment. This is where platform channels come into play. Platform channels act as bridges between your Dart code and native functionalities specific to each operating system.

1. Accessing the Filesystem:
Imagine your desktop application needs to access and manage local files. By leveraging platform channels, you can achieve this functionality on different platforms:

  • Windows: You can use the file channel to interact with the Windows file system API. This allows functionalities like reading, writing, and deleting files.
  • macOS: Similarly, the file_selector channel on macOS enables you to open file selection dialogs and access user-selected files.
  • Linux: Linux offers the path_provider channel, which provides access to platform-specific directories like documents and temporary storage.

2. Handling Native Notifications:
Keeping users informed through notifications is a crucial aspect of desktop applications. Platform channels allow you to integrate native notifications into your Flutter desktop app:

  • Windows: The flutter_local_notifications plugin leverages the Windows Toast notification API for displaying notifications.
  • macOS: For macOS, consider the macos_notification plugin, which interacts with the native macOS notification system.
  • Linux: On Linux, explore the flutter_notifications plugin, which utilizes the notification standard for displaying notifications across various Linux distributions.

3. Window Management:
Control over window behavior is essential for desktop applications. Platform channels provide ways to manage window properties:

  • All Platforms: The window channel offers basic functionalities like setting window size and position.
  • Windows-Specific: For more advanced window management on Windows, consider the flutter_desktop_embedding plugin, which allows functionalities like setting the window style (e.g., borderless) and responding to system events (e.g., window resizing).

Implementation with Platform Channels:

Utilizing platform channels typically involves the following steps:

  1. Identify the desired platform-specific functionality.
  2. Locate or create a suitable plugin that exposes the functionality through platform channels. Many popular plugins are available on the package repository catering to various desktop functionalities.
  3. Import the plugin into your Dart code and utilize the provided methods to interact with the native APIs.

Code Example (Illustrative — Specifics will vary based on the plugin):

In this example, we’ve assumed a plugin named path_provider is used to access the application’s documents directory on the desktop. This is for illustrative purposes and the specific code will vary depending on the chosen plugin.

Important Note: Platform channels add a layer of complexity compared to native development. It’s essential to choose well-maintained plugins with proper documentation to ensure a smooth development experience.

By effectively leveraging platform channels, you can bridge the gap between your Flutter code and the native desktop environment, allowing you to create powerful and feature-rich desktop applications.

6. Testing and Deployment: Bringing Your Desktop App to Life

Before unleashing your creation on the world, it’s crucial to ensure your cross-platform desktop application functions flawlessly across different operating systems. Here’s how to approach testing and deployment:

1. Testing on Different Desktops:

  1. Simulators and Emulators: While Flutter doesn’t offer built-in desktop emulators, you can leverage third-party tools or cloud-based solutions to simulate different desktop environments for testing purposes.
  2. Physical Devices: The most reliable way to test is on actual desktop machines running Windows, macOS, and Linux. This allows you to identify any platform-specific quirks or compatibility issues.

2. Focus on Functionality and User Experience:
During testing, prioritize core functionalities, user interactions, and overall user experience. Ensure your application behaves as intended and delivers a smooth and intuitive experience across different desktop environments.

3. Building for Desktop:
Once you’re confident in your app’s functionality, it’s time to build it for deployment on different platforms. Flutter offers commands specific to desktop targets:

These commands generate platform-specific executables or app bundles that can be directly distributed to users.

7. Deployment Strategies:

  • Direct Download: For simple applications, you can offer a downloadable installer file (.exe for Windows, .dmg for macOS) on your website. Users can download and run the installer to set up your application.
  • App Stores: Consider submitting your application to relevant desktop app stores (Microsoft Store for Windows, Mac App Store for macOS) to reach a wider audience. However, these stores might have specific requirements and review processes.

Additional Considerations:

  • Code Signing: For certain platforms like macOS, code signing your application might be necessary for proper distribution through app stores or direct download.
  • Versioning and Updates: Implement a versioning system and consider offering update mechanisms to ensure users have access to the latest features and bug fixes.

By following these steps, you can effectively test and deploy your cross-platform desktop application, making it available to users on various operating systems.


Building cross-platform desktop applications with Flutter for web opens up exciting possibilities for developers. By leveraging a single codebase and platform channels for native functionalities, you can create powerful desktop applications that reach users across different operating systems. This approach offers significant advantages in terms of development efficiency, cost savings, and maintaining a consistent user experience.

So, are you ready to dive into the world of Flutter desktop development? With the knowledge and tools covered in this article, you’re well-equipped to embark on your journey to create innovative and user-friendly desktop applications!



Rajdeepsinh Gohil

Digital Marketing Expert | Sharing insights on the ever evolving world of web and mobile app development.