The Fundamentals of The High Performing Business Roadmap

Rajesh Nair
4 min readMay 27, 2019
Photo by Laurentiu Morariu on Unsplash

‘When you look at a mountain, it will seem daunting and maybe even insurmountable, but the trick to climbing one is actually very similar to building a business’

We take a 2 Phased Approach to building businesses. The first Phase involves working on the mindset of the entrepreneur.

You can look at The Winning Mindset as being a journey through which you transform from having a distracted mind with no clear idea of what to do to one of laser-sharp focus, where everything is controlled, and decisions are made calmly. Running a business is all about decision making, and you can learn the systems and develop the processes to help you make the right decisions that will ultimately increase your chances of success.

An activity that I really enjoyed all through my life is rock climbing. Now I was never really any good at it, just really enthusiastic and passionate. I must admit that I eventually spent a lot more time studying and admiring the accomplishments of the world’s best climbers than actually climbing. There is one climber in particular who has fascinated me, and his name is Alex Honnold. He recently came to fame for his free solo ascent of El Capitan in Yosemite national park in the US. I have seen many of his interviews and what’s clear is that he treats Free Soloing as an endurance sport. It’s not about the adrenalin rush and neither is it about a short burst of activity nor is it impromptu. Everything is researched and planned and executed according to a well-structured, detailed and exhaustive plan. Business is very much like this. While it should be fun, and you must be passionate about it and enjoy the journey, it’s about having a plan and being able to adjust that plan rationally according to what the market tells you and having the right mindset to do this.

When we talk about the Winning Mindset, we are looking at what it takes for an entrepreneur to succeed. A Common definition of success is being better than the person you talk to or being better than the competition. Our definition is about being the absolute best version of yourself that is possible. Exploring and discovering your full potential or coming pretty damn close at least.

The level to which you achieve this depends only on the Clarity of your perception of the realities around you (Clarity — and not your qualification, education, size of wallet…) and then the Focus with which you embark on your journey.

You can be faster than everyone else but if your perception is not good you might still be stumbling and bumping into things and feeling stressed. However, if you perceive everything around you and are focused you will move with precision and adequate speed that will eventually ensure your success.

In the Winning Mindset, our goal is to move from a distracted state of mind to having laser-sharp focus and clarity on what you want to do and where you want to go.

With this Clarity and Focus, we move to Action as quickly as possible. The Action Phase has a further 3 stages with each stage having 2 to 3 parts.

If you follow this system, you will see that it is a logical and sequential path to creating a High Performing Business. It is a system that I can apply to any business at any stage up to about $10 M in revenue — and I have tested it on many businesses in diff stages. Once you master these processes you will be able to look at any business and pick out the steps that the business needs to take to get it to the next level in its evolution.

I’ve applied this system to many of our partner businesses and some clients of our advisory businesses and realized that there was huge demand for something like this as it did not exist, a roadmap to building a high performing business.

Today we have a well-oiled machine and we are ready for the next phase in our growth where we begin to put our system to work for other entrepreneurs and help them to achieve their goals and dreams while lessening the impact of The Quickening for them. To help them become one of the 20% of businesses that succeed. I really do believe that entrepreneurs can change the world and that this system can help them effect this change.

The future is all about us continuing to evolve. We will keep building and adding new entrepreneurs and new sectors to The Business Collective. While creating new entrepreneurs and doing larger deals, going global and impacting the lives of the people in South East Asia and beyond.

If you are interested in finding out more about The High Performing Business Roadmap, subscribe to this blog where I will keep sharing what I learn along the way or drop us an email at to join our growing community of like-minded entrepreneurs.

Stay tuned for our next post where I will go into detail on each of the steps in The High Performing Business Roadmap…..



Rajesh Nair

Building high performing businesses and empowering entrepreneurs through The Business Collective and The High Performing Business Roadmap.