Webviews Start Supporting In Messenger.com and Facebook Chat tabs

Rajesh J Nair
Bot Elements
Published in
2 min readJul 30, 2017

In Early Version Of Messenger bot, Webviews was only available on the messenger app in mobile devices.Web views were not supported by Messenger web and Facebook chat tabs. It was opening in a new tab in the browser. In Latest Release Messenger Platform v2.1 FB introduce the desktop support for Messenger Extensions SDK. This Feature allows to Messenger bot developers to open the iframes inside the Facebook desktop platforms.

In Messenger

In Facebook.com

In Mobile Devices

Try https://m.me/swell.bot

For Developers:

Allow loading of your pages in iframe on Messenger and Facebook domains

We use iframe to present your pages on Messenger web and Facebook chat tabs. You have to set up proper X-Frame-Options HTTP response header to allow your pages within an iframe.

X-Frame-Options: ALLOW-FROM https://www.messenger.com/X-Frame-Options: ALLOW-FROM https://www.facebook.com/

Check Full Document Here


The following settings or features are not supported on Messenger web clients. They still function properly on Messenger mobile clients.

Navigation back buttons
Dialog title
Closing the webview via URL redirect

For designers i have made a html/css package which give you access to elements thats exactly looks like messenger elements.



Rajesh J Nair
Bot Elements

Tech Enthusiast | Entrepreneur | Chatbot Specialist 🤖 | Text/Speech AI Explorer | Almost Down Earth Coder