Rajesh Kanumuru
3 min readOct 11, 2023

Chmod, Chown, and Chgrp commands in Linux

Hey Folks,

Let’s discuss about the Chown and Chmod commands in Linux.

Before we discuss about the Chown and Chmod commands, let’s discuss about the file permissions in Linux.

## File Permissions in Linux

In Linux, every file and directory has three permissions:

1. Read

2. Write

3. Execute

These permissions are given to three entities:

1. Owner

2. Group

3. Others

The owner is the user who created the file or directory. The group is the group to which the file or directory belongs. Others are all the other users on the system.

The permissions of a file or directory can be viewed by using the following command:

ls -l

The output of the above command is shown below:

-rw-r — r — 1 root root 0 Jan 1 00:00 file.txt

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 1 00:00 directory

## What is Chmod?

Chmod is a command in Linux that is used to change the permissions of a file or directory. The permissions of a file or directory are changed by using the following syntax:


Now let’s discuss about the Chmod command.

Let’s understand how this value is calculated.

| Permission | Value |

| — — — — — | — — — |

| r | 4 |

| w | 2 |

| x | 1 |

Few other things to note:

u — user (file or directory owner, creator)

g — group (the group to which the file or directory belongs)

o — other (other than user and group)

a — all (user, group, other) (all, anyone can access files and directories.)

Example 1: Give read, write and execute permissions to the owner, read and execute permissions to the group and read and execute permissions to others

chmod 755 file.txt

The above command is equivalent to the following command:

chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx file.txt

Example 2: Give read, write and execute permissions to the owner, read and execute permissions to the group and read and execute permissions to others

chmod 755 directory

The above command is equivalent to the following command:

chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx directory

Example 3: Give read, write and execute permissions to the owner, read and execute permissions to the group and read and execute permissions to others

chmod -R 755 directory

The above command is equivalent to the following command:

chmod -R u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx directory

## What is Chown?

Chown is a command in Linux that is used to change the ownership of a file or directory. The ownership of a file or directory is changed by using the following syntax:


Example 1: Change the ownership of a file

chown root:root file.txt

The above command gives the ownership of the file to the root user and the root group.

Example 2: Change the ownership of a directory

chown root:root directory

The above command gives the ownership of the directory to the root user and the root group.

Example 3: Change the ownership of a directory and all its subdirectories

chown -R root:root directory

The above command gives the ownership of the directory and all its subdirectories to the root user and the root group.

You must have noticed that the Chown and Chmod commands are very similar. The only difference is that the Chown command is used to change the ownership of a file or directory and the Chmod command is used to change the permissions of a file or directory.

## What is Chgrp?

There is a third command called Chgrp that is used to change the group of a file or directory. The Chgrp command is used to change the group of a file or directory by using the following syntax:


Example 1: Change the group of a file

chgrp root file.txt

The above command gives the group of the file to the root group.

Example 2: Change the group of a directory

chgrp root directory

The above command gives the group of the directory to the root group.

Example 3: Change the group of a directory and all its subdirectories

chgrp -R root directory

The above command gives the group of the directory and all its subdirectories to the root group.

Rajesh Kanumuru

Wherever you be and whatever you do - You should have a specific identity than a common man