Converting JSON into typesafe code for any language using QuickType-Core in Angular

QuickType-Core infers types from sample data (JSON, JSON Shema, TypeScript), then outputs typed code in your desired programming language

Rajesh Swarna


Hi there In this tutorial, I am going to explain how to use QuickType-Core package and convert JSON into C# Class(types) in Angular

QuckType in Angular

To achieve this feat we need QuickType-Core package installed in our Angular application, do that using the NPM CLI with the following command

npm i quicktype-core

Now let’s do the stuff, create a component and put this method in it, this method converts JSON into a specified language. We should pass Target Language, Class name in the target language and JSON string to this method.

async quicktypeJSON(targetLanguage: string | TargetLanguage, className: string, jsonString) 
const jsonInput = jsonInputForTargetLanguage(targetLanguage);
await jsonInput.addSource({
name: className,
samples: [jsonString],
const inputData = new InputData();
return await quicktype({
lang: targetLanguage,

