3 Life Lessons Learned in 23 Years

Something has got to change ( starting with my age )

Rajeshwari K.
4 min readAug 13, 2022
Photo by Daria Shevtsova on pexels.com

I turned 23 on August 12, 2022

Yes, that was yesterday only. 23 years old on earth! Though I know it’s no big achievement.

Whether you make it a big deal about celebrating your birthdays with confetti or not, turning one year older is always something people tend to reflect on.

If I am honest, I want to reflect on my whole life so far, the past 23 years — each day, every minute and every moment of the time passed so far.

What really happened? How did I spend so many years of living? When did I cross my adolescence and become an adult? Where did I leave childhood behind on this journey?

And most importantly, did I live my life so far?

I thought of writing about this yesterday, but as I tried to pen it down, all I could think of was the time I spent worrying about living the desired life rather than living the life I have been gifted.

But time, once gone, is gone. So why not learn from it and make the best of time?

Throughout these years, I’ve learned quite a bit, and I think that some of you might enjoy reading about it. So without further ado, here are 3 things I’ve learned by 23.

1 — Time can make it or break it

Remember, how excited you were as a child to get new toys and spend your summer holidays playing? What about now, when you have grown up?

Things have changed. Ain’t they?

Your equation with your happiness, contentment, and pleasure has changed. You can no longer get excited about toys or the summer holidays. These things no longer bring you an ounce of delight. Ever imagined why?

Because it’s all about time.

Those were times when simple little things could fill your heart with immense pleasure, and now is the time when even after having everything or being close to everything, it seems to fall short of contributing to your happiness.

Am I wrong?

As I said, it’s all about time. We tend to embrace something or someone at one time, and we can get indifferent about them at other times.

No one thing can provide us with the same experience at different times — whether it’s pleasure or pain.

2 — Never take your family and loved ones for granted

Life is precious, and your loved ones are priceless.

We are busy these days, sometimes doing nothing and other times working our ass off to secure our future and make life worthwhile. But do we work all this way only to live alone or with our family?

You only get your family and loved ones once, and there is no such fateful guarantee that they will accompany you in the future.

Can’t we take some time to spend with people who are beloved to us? Can’t we try to know their problems and sufferings? Can’t we make an effort to soothe their pain if possible?

We sometimes get too busy with the problems of life that we almost ignore who cares for us daily and greet us with a broad smile and might be in trouble. All it takes is to stop and ask yourself what you and your life might look like without them in there.

And you will know the answer.

Your problem is that you think you have time — Budhha

Giving your family a little more time and hence memories is what makes life adorable. Let yourself cherish the essence of relationships that matter to you. You and your family deserve each other’s time and company.

3 — You have no power to change the past, but you can learn to make peace with it

Do you often find yourself worrying over the mistakes that you have made in the past? Do you blame yourself for not taking wise decisions?

But what’s gone is gone. And what’s left is the present. You can’t change any of it. You can’t undo your past, no matter how absurd, pointless, regretful, or painful it is.

Hence, move on and think about how you can spare yourself from making the same mistakes.

Life will get rolling, and so will you. It would help if you changed the way you look at it. You’ll get to see the “grays” of life once you try to change your jaded perspective towards it.

I don’t know what this coming year has in store for me or what I will make of it. Will I write a post about turning 24 the next year? Hopefully!

But certainly, I will come back to this post next year, again reflecting on this year, for I have this time, this year, the upcoming life to make it count.

Thank you for reading!

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Rajeshwari K.

Passionate wordsmith | Turning ideas into engaging stories | Let's get in touch: https://forms.gle/Ebfsz776kdoHuK1bA