The (Much-Needed) Me Time

It’s about being present with yourself; mind and body

Rajeshwari K.
3 min readJul 16, 2022
Woman in green shirt smiling
Photo by Matthias Cooper:

The answer to everything lies in self-love. Practising self-love allows you to be kind to yourself and, in the process, become a better person.

Dr. Tracy Davis’s 30-day Journaling Challenge inspired me to write this piece as a response to prompt 26What is the one thing you can do today to take care of yourself?

Spending me-time doing what I love the most

Every relationship benefits from quality time. I am learning to appreciate my own company by taking the time to do things that make me happy. Whether it’s pursuing a hobby, meditating, going for a long walk, taking myself out to the movies, or spending alone time with myself doing the things I enjoy.

Today I feel like picking one of my favourite novels I read this year so far and revisiting those annotations that might evoke the familiar emotions that I felt while reading that book the first time.

I usually read on my Kindle, as it’s easy to accessorize. But I have physical copies of a few novels that I adore and keep returning to.

Today I want to sit in my study with a cup of black coffee, put my reading glasses on and start relishing the novel. And if I am specific, I would love to pick one by Murakami.

Aah! What a deadly combination that would be! My mind would dwell in a world of magical realism. While sipping my coffee, I would unwind on the road to self-reflection.

Spending quality time alone would help me redefine my concept of self-love and care. So, since I am a reader first, going back to reading, my comfort, my only and ultimate solace, would help me recreate myself and rejuvenate my soul.

This whole process would allow me to check in with myself emotionally, sense that emotion, and acknowledge my sentiments. It’s essential to stay in touch with your feelings and confront them once in a while.

We all should learn to live in the moment, just for a moment every day — the one thing we can all do today (eventually every day) to take care of ourselves.

For a while, put an end to your never-ending search for something better and simply look within. And reflect on what you can do today or maybe every day for yourself?

Remember, there’s only one of you, so treat yourself with the right amount of care.

Thanks for reading!

Check out the below post by Dr. Tracy Davis to learn about the 30-Day Journaling Challenge and such wonderful daily prompts in detail.

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Rajeshwari K.

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