8 Guides That Will Make You a Better Programmer

Raji Ayinla, J.D.
The Open Manuel
Published in
2 min readApr 14, 2020


You can never have too many resources when it comes to honing your craft. These resources for beginner and intermediate programmers will inevitably make you a valuable programmer. The skills taught in these resources involve writing code that scales. In other words, your code will be simple, readable, and effective.

Effective Programming

Gatson’s notes on Jeff Atwood’s Effective Programmer gives you a nice TL;DR about what being a good programmer is all about. One of his notes says, “Don’t become a programmer only because someone tells you to. Become a programmer because you want to solve problems, you want to write your own rules, and you enjoy doing it.”

API Design Guide

In the age of microservices, it’s not enough to build something that serves a single purpose. The code must be modular so that it can properly serve the wave of IoT devices that have flooded the market. This post — by Postman — reminds you that, as a programmer, you’re an API designer.

Simple Code Is Better Code

In this tech talk, Kate Gregory shows you why simple code is better code. Clever solutions may make you feel like a wizard for a brief moment, but all of that wizardry may come at the expense of a debugging process that would require the same feat of wizardry…



Raji Ayinla, J.D.
The Open Manuel

Incoming Law Clerk at U.S. Copyright Office; Winner of the 2021 Boston Patent Law Association Writing Competition; Former Online Editor of the NE Law Review