How to Write an Essay

Essay Writing Shouldn’t Be Hard

Raji Ayinla, J.D.
His&Her Story


Once upon a time, I didn’t know how to write an essay. When I’d submit an essay, the best grade I’d expect to get was a B.

After a while, I realized my poor essay grades had nothing to do with bad writing ability. My problem was that I didn’t really know what an academic essay was.

I’d try to be overly creative rather than focusing on being informative in my essays. I didn’t think like an academic.

Part of being a good academic essay writer is acting like a well-read professor; you’ve got to collect facts like one.

Once I figured out how to conduct research and properly structure an essay, I was able to churn out essays that were getting me A’s and A+’s.

Here’s the kicker: my results can totally be replicated if you learn what an academic essay is and how to write one.

To help you out, I’ve come up with a complete guide that will teach you everything there is to know about what it takes to write a stellar essay.

What’s An Academic Essay?

An academic essay is a form of writing that seeks to give the author’s opinion on a particular subject. Usually formal, academic essays are characterized by systemic discourse on a central point of…



Raji Ayinla, J.D.
His&Her Story

Incoming Law Clerk at U.S. Copyright Office; Winner of the 2021 Boston Patent Law Association Writing Competition; Former Online Editor of the NE Law Review