Development teams should maintain coding convention over the projectCoding standards tell developers how they must write their code instead of each developer coding in their own preferred style, they will…Oct 16, 2018Oct 16, 2018
The Roles and Responsibilities of a Front End DeveloperThe Frontend Developer has the main responsibility of producing, maintaining, and supporting the business’s web-based software systems and…Oct 7, 2018Oct 7, 2018
Is learning Photoshop and sketch necessary for a Front End Developer? — My opinionNo, it’s not mandatory but it’s useful. As a frontend developer, I write code in HTML, CSS, Javascript etc but I have a passion also to…Sep 1, 2018Sep 1, 2018
Introduction to FlexboxFlexbox (also know as flex) is a very powerful layout tool. It solves many layout problems that designers have been struggling to solve…Mar 4, 2018Mar 4, 2018
Style react components using Styled-componentsStyled-Components is a CSS tool which helps you organize CSS in your React project. The styled components remove the mapping between…Jan 21, 2018Jan 21, 2018
An Introduction to webpackWhat is Webpack? Webpack is a module bundler for modern JavaScript applications. It takes your code, transforms and bundles it, then…Jan 16, 2018Jan 16, 2018
An Introduction to Redux SagaAccording to the docs, redux-saga is a library that aims to make application side effects (i.e. asynchronous things like data fetching and…Dec 14, 2017Dec 14, 2017
Improve Javascript PerformanceA little bit of discipline can help you load the application faster and interact faster with any device. Your application should load fast…Aug 13, 2017Aug 13, 2017
Useful git tipsGit is a version control system for tracking changes in computer files and coordinating work on those files among multiple people. It is…Jul 24, 2017Jul 24, 2017
Why you should design a good APIThe term API stands for Application Programming Interface. An API works as a middleman, taking the request from one piece of software, and…Apr 22, 20171Apr 22, 20171