From Dropout to Billionaire: The Inspiring Journey of Rajinder Gupta

3 min readFeb 16, 2024


Rajinder Gupta

Forget Silicon Valley wunderkinder and Wall Street wolves. Rajinder Gupta’s story is a refreshingly real rags-to-riches tale, spun from the sun-baked cotton fields of Punjab and stitched together with sheer grit, a dash of chutzpah, and a whole lot of hustle. This Class 9 dropout, once a humble cotton dealer, now reigns as Punjab’s richest man, a textile tycoon who presides over a Rs 17,000 crore empire — Trident Group.
Buckle up, because his journey is as vibrant and captivating as the threads woven by his very own company.

The Humble Hustle Begins
Imagine a 14-year-old boy, his days spent poring over dusty ledgers replaced by the calloused grip of manual labor. His name was Rajinder, and while formal education may have ended abruptly, the fire of an entrepreneur burned bright within him. His first “office” was anything but glamorous — a dusty workshop, his tools basic, his product — humble cement pipes and candles. Each day, for a mere Rs 30, he toiled, not chasing riches, but laying the foundation stone of his future empire, brick by gritty brick.

1. The Dhirubhai Ambani of Punjab Emerges
The 1980s marked a turning point for Rajinder Gupta. He wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty, venturing into the uncharted territory of fertilizer manufacturing with the establishment of Abhishek Industries in 1985. Success bloomed, and soon, his sights were set on a new horizon — textiles. In 1991, Trident was born, a spinning mill with humble beginnings that would soon transform into a global leader. This marked the beginning of his transformation into the “Dhirubhai Ambani of Punjab,” a moniker he wears with the same quiet confidence he exudes.

2. Towels Fit for Royalty, Ambition Reaching for the Stars
Trident wasn’t just about fabric; it was about weaving dreams into threads of unparalleled quality, fit for royalty itself. From the plush shelves of Walmart to the discerning eyes of JCPenney, luxury brands adorned their collections with Gupta’s towels. But his ambition wasn’t confined to a single thread. He diversified into paper and chemicals, building a multi-faceted giant that hummed with the energy of diverse ventures. His vision wasn’t limited by borders; Trident exports to over 150 countries, two-thirds of its revenue flowing from a global market that craved his quality and innovation.

3. More than Just a Business Tycoon
His success story isn’t just woven with numbers and milestones. He’s a leader who walks the talk, a man whose heart beats for more than just profit margins. From chairing the Trident Group and its advisory board to heading the Board of Governors at Punjab Engineering College, he’s passionate about education and giving back to the community that nurtured him. The prestigious Padma Shri award, bestowed by the Indian government, stands as a testament to his contributions that extend far beyond the realm of business.

4. Stepping Aside, But Leaving an Indelible Mark
In 2022, Gupta stepped down from Trident’s board, prioritizing family and health. But make no mistake, his legacy lives on, vibrant and inspiring. He’s a beacon of hope for millions, proving that a formal education isn’t the only key to unlocking success. His story is a masterclass in perseverance, calculated risks, and the power of dreaming big, even when the world throws challenges your way.

5. The Fabric of Inspiration
So, the next time you luxuriate in the softness of a premium towel, remember the school dropout who dared to weave his dreams into a billion-dollar reality. Rajinder Gupta’s journey is a tapestry woven with threads of resilience, vision, and unwavering determination. It’s a reminder that even the most ordinary beginnings can lead to extraordinary achievements, as long as you dare to dream, have the grit to persevere, and the heart to give back.

Closure: A Glimpse into the Future!
But his story isn’t over. While he may have stepped away from the daily operations of Trident, his vision continues to guide the company’s journey. He remains Chairman Emeritus, and his experience and wisdom are invaluable assets. And who knows, perhaps the future holds new ventures, new challenges, and new chapters in the ever-evolving saga of Rajinder Gupta, the man who dared to turn cotton fields into corner offices, and dreams into a vibrant, flourishing reality.




Rajinder Gupta's journey into entrepreneurship commenced in 1985, when his family ventured into the chemicals and fertilizers business.