Introduction to Micro-frontends

Charith Rajitha
9 min readNov 19, 2022


With the size, complexity of the software system either a monolith architecture or frontend and backend architecture or microservice architecture is used mainly. For large complex software systems the current trend is to build a feature-rich and powerful browser application, aka single page app, which sits on top of a micro service architecture.

In this scenario what happens, there are separate teams for backend implementations for each functionality. They build their own backend microservice for the targeted functionality and the frontend team needs to work regarding all the features.

Over time the frontend layer, often developed by a separate team, grows and gets more difficult to maintain. That’s what we call a Frontend Monolith.

The idea behind Micro Frontends is to think about a website or web app as a composition of features which are owned by independent teams.

Evolution of Software Architecture

Core ideas behind Micro Frontends

  • Be Technology Agnostic

Each team should be able to choose and upgrade their stack without having to coordinate with other teams. Custom Elements are a great way to hide implementation details while providing a neutral interface to others.

  • Isolate Team Code

Don’t share a runtime, even if all teams use the same framework. Build independent apps that are self contained. Don’t rely on shared state or global variables.

  • Favor Native Browser Features over Custom APIs

Use Browser Events for communication instead of building a global PubSub system. If you really have to build a cross team API, try keeping it as simple as possible.

  • Build a Resilient Site

Your feature should be useful, even if JavaScript failed or hasn’t been executed yet. Use Universal Rendering and Progressive Enhancement to improve perceived performance.

Benefits of Micro Frontend

  • Incremental upgrades

For many organisations this is the beginning of their micro frontends journey. The old, large, frontend monolith is being held back by yesteryear’s tech stack, or by code written under delivery pressure, and it’s getting to the point where a total rewrite is tempting. In order to avoid the perils of a full rewrite, we’d much prefer to strangle the old application piece by piece, and in the meantime continue to deliver new features to our customers without being weighed down by the monolith.

This often leads towards a micro frontends architecture. Once one team has had the experience of getting a feature all the way to production with little modification to the old world, other teams will want to join the new world as well. The existing code still needs to be maintained, and in some cases it may make sense to continue to add new features to it, but now the choice is available.

The endgame here is that we’re afforded more freedom to make case-by-case decisions on individual parts of our product, and to make incremental upgrades to our architecture, our dependencies, and our user experience. If there is a major breaking change in our main framework, each micro frontend can be upgraded whenever it makes sense, rather than being forced to stop the world and upgrade everything at once. If we want to experiment with new technology, or new modes of interaction, we can do it in a more isolated fashion than we could before.

  • Simple, decoupled codebases

The source code for each individual micro frontend will by definition be much smaller than the source code of a single monolithic frontend. These smaller codebases tend to be simpler and easier for developers to work with. In particular, we avoid the complexity arising from unintentional and inappropriate coupling between components that should not know about each other. By drawing thicker lines around the bounded contexts of the application, we make it harder for such accidental coupling to arise.

  • Independent deployment

Just as with microservices, independent deployability of micro frontends is key. This reduces the scope of any given deployment, which in turn reduces the associated risk. Regardless of how or where your frontend code is hosted, each micro frontend should have its own continuous delivery pipeline, which builds, tests and deploys it all the way to production. We should be able to deploy each micro frontend with very little thought given to the current state of other codebases or pipelines. It shouldn’t matter if the old monolith is on a fixed, manual, quarterly release cycle, or if the team next door has pushed a half-finished or broken feature into their master branch. If a given micro frontend is ready to go to production, it should be able to do so, and that decision should be up to the team who build and maintain it.

  • Autonomous teams

As a higher-order benefit of decoupling both our codebases and our release cycles, we get a long way towards having fully independent teams, who can own a section of a product from ideation through to production and beyond. Teams can have full ownership of everything they need to deliver value to customers, which enables them to move quickly and effectively. For this to work, our teams need to be formed around vertical slices of business functionality, rather than around technical capabilities. An easy way to do this is to carve up the product based on what end users will see, so each micro frontend encapsulates a single page of the application, and is owned end-to-end by a single team. This brings higher cohesiveness of the teams’ work than if teams were formed around technical or “horizontal” concerns like styling, forms, or validation.

Downsides of Micro frontends

For each solution in the software engineering world, there are trade offs to consider and decide.So in micro-frontends also. The benefits that we’ve mentioned do come with a cost, which we’ll cover here.

  • Payload size

Independently-built JavaScript bundles can cause duplication of common dependencies, increasing the number of bytes we have to send over the network to our end users. For example, if every micro frontend includes its own copy of React, then we’re forcing our customers to download React n times. There is a direct relationship between page performance and user engagement/conversion, and much of the world runs on internet infrastructure much slower than those in highly-developed cities are used to, so we have many reasons to care about download sizes.

This issue is not easy to solve. There is an inherent tension between our desire to let teams compile their applications independently so that they can work autonomously, and our desire to build our applications in such a way that they can share common dependencies. One approach is to externalise common dependencies from our compiled bundles, as we described for the demo application. As soon as we go down this path though, we’ve re-introduced some build-time coupling to our micro frontends. Now there is an implicit contract between them which says, “we all must use these exact versions of these dependencies”. If there is a breaking change in a dependency, we might end up needing a big coordinated upgrade effort and a one-off lockstep release event. This is everything we were trying to avoid with micro frontends in the first place!

This inherent tension is a difficult one, but it’s not all bad news. Firstly, even if we choose to do nothing about duplicate dependencies, it’s possible that each individual page will still load faster than if we had built a single monolithic frontend. The reason is that by compiling each page independently, we have effectively implemented our own form of code splitting. In classic monoliths, when any page in the application is loaded, we often download the source code and dependencies of every page all at once. By building independently, any single page-load will only download the source and dependencies of that page. This may result in faster initial page-loads, but slower subsequent navigation as users are forced to re-download the same dependencies on each page. If we are disciplined in not bloating our micro frontends with unnecessary dependencies, or if we know that users generally stick to just one or two pages within the application, we may well achieve a net gain in performance terms, even with duplicated dependencies.

There are lots of “may’s” and “possibly’s” in the previous paragraph, which highlights the fact that every application will always have its own unique performance characteristics. If you want to know for sure what the performance impacts will be of a particular change, there is no substitute for taking real-world measurements, ideally in production. We’ve seen teams agonise over a few extra kilobytes of JavaScript, only to go and download many megabytes of high-resolution images, or run expensive queries against a very slow database. So while it’s important to consider the performance impacts of every architectural decision, be sure that you know where the real bottlenecks are.

  • Environment differences

We should be able to develop a single micro frontend without needing to think about all of the other micro frontends being developed by other teams. We may even be able to run our micro frontend in a “standalone” mode, on a blank page, rather than inside the container application that will house it in production. This can make development a lot simpler, especially when the real container is a complex, legacy codebase, which is often the case when we’re using micro frontends to do a gradual migration from old world to new. However, there are risks associated with developing in an environment that is quite different to production. If our development-time container behaves differently than the production one, then we may find that our micro frontend is broken, or behave differently when we deploy to production. Of particular concern are global styles that may be brought along by the container, or by other micro frontends.

The solution here is not that different to any other situation where we have to worry about environmental differences. If we’re developing locally in an environment that is not production-like, we need to ensure that we regularly integrate and deploy our micro frontend to environments that are like production, and we should do testing (manual and automated) in these environments to catch integration issues as early as possible. This will not completely solve the problem, but ultimately it’s another tradeoff that we have to weigh up: is the productivity boost of a simplified development environment worth the risk of integration issues? The answer will depend on the project!

  • Operational and governance complexity

The final downside is one with a direct parallel to microservices. As a more distributed architecture, micro frontends will inevitably lead to having more stuff to manage — more repositories, more tools, more build/deploy pipelines, more servers, more domains, etc. So before adopting such an architecture there are a few questions you should consider:

  • Do you have enough automation in place to feasibly provision and manage the additional required infrastructure?
  • Will your frontend development, testing, and release processes scale to many applications?
  • Are you comfortable with decisions around tooling and development practices becoming more decentralised and less controllable?
  • How will you ensure a minimum level of quality, consistency, or governance across your many independent frontend codebases?

We could probably fill another entire article discussing these topics. The main point we wish to make is that when you choose micro frontends, by definition you are opting to create many small things rather than one large thing. You should consider whether you have the technical and organisational maturity required to adopt such an approach without creating chaos.



As frontend codebases continue to get more complex over the years, we see a growing need for more scalable architectures. We need to be able to draw clear boundaries that establish the right levels of coupling and cohesion between technical and domain entities. We should be able to scale software delivery across independent, autonomous teams.

While far from the only approach, micro-frontends have been delivering these benefits and this technique is able to apply gradually over time to the legacy codebase as well. Whether micro frontends are the right approach for you and your organization or not, we can only hope that this will be part of a continuing trend where frontend engineering and architecture is treated with the seriousness that we know it deserves.




