Rajiv Gaur
1 min readDec 10, 2021

How To Make A Meditation Garden.


In today's time there is no such person who is living without any disease. So in such a situation, yoga is the only thing by which we can avoid all kinds of diseases.
Yoga not only cures our disease, it also changes our way of living. There is also a sufficient place for doing yoga. Where we can do this work in peace.
So today we are going to tell you about a similar place. Where you will be able to do yoga well and carefully.

If you want to make yoga garden on the roof of the house. So you need a place which is the best place on your terrace and where comes fresh air.

On which three sides you have to keep plants. The seating area should be slightly open. Oxygen plants should be installed in your yoga garden. In today's time, due to pollution, plants should reach every house. From which we keep getting full oxygen.

Here we are going to tell you about the 10 Best oxygen plants and herbs……..

Read More.. :https://gardeningblog7.blogspot.com/2021/10/how-to-make-a-meditation-garden.html?m=1