Git for Android Developers(Part 3) — Version control window

Rajkumar Srinivasan
IVYMobility TechBytes
3 min readNov 25, 2018

This tutorial is a continuation of Part 2 of the series. So i would recommend checking out Part 2 first.

Once the VCS integration is enabled in android studio, you can able to see the version control window in the bottom or you can open it using shortcut command Alt+9.

Lets explore the version control window.

Local Changes tab

1, To refresh the status of local changes.

2, To commit the local changes. Ctrl+K.

3, To revert the changes. Ctrl+Alt+Z.

4, To create a new change list.

5, To delete the selected change list.

6, To make the change list active.

7, To move selected file to another change list.

8, To move the selected file or change list to the shelf. Ctrl+Alt+H.

9, To show the differences of the selected file with the latest revision. Ctrl+D.

10, To expand to view all the files. Ctrl+NumPad+.

11, To collapse all the files. Ctrl+NumPad-.

12, To show the changed files which are grouped by folders.

13, To copy the path of selected file to system’s clipboard. Ctrl+C.

14, To show the list of ignored files

15, To configure the files that will be ignored by GIT.

16, To open the preview pane to compare the selected file with latest committed revision.

The Log Tab

1, Drop down used to filter the log based on the selected branch.

2, Used to filter the log based on the selected user.

3, To filter the log based on the selected time period.

4, To filter based on the path of modified file.

5, IntellSort — Enables a convenient way of viewing merges, by showing incoming commits directly below the merge commit.

6, To display the long branches fully

7, To refresh the list of commits. Ctrl+F5.

8, To go to a hash or tag or branch. Ctrl+F.

9, Cherry Pick- To apply the changes of selected commit to the current branch.

If you want only some commits from a branch then no need to merge because it will take all the commits to your branch, In this case you can simply pick(Cherry Pick) some commits and add to your branch.

10, Highlight Non-Picked commit- To highlight the commit from selected branch that have not yet been applied to the current branch.

The Console tab

In this tab, We can see the results of Git commands that are executed.But we can’t execute Git command here, use terminal window instead.

The History Tab

In this tab we can see the history of selected file or a project. The history will show you the entire changes made to the project with the clear information like developer name, time, files changed, etc..

Hope you got an idea about version control window in android studio. So we have covered the version control system related operations available in android studio.

Thanks for reading.

