Parents, Child, and Society

2 min readDec 12, 2021


Knowingly or inadvertently, we are all reflections of our past- our experiences, the environment we lived in, and the way we were reared up by our parents/ guardians that shaped our personality style by and large.
Thus, broadly every #generation is the result of what & how they were taught by their previous generation.
What we tend to give back to the #World is what we receive from our #family & #environment (Period)
However, the most surprising part is we often end up doing the same mistakes that we loathed up most when done to us by our parents/grandparents unless we realize it and work #consciously on ourselves so that it does not get carried forward to the next.
Positive #Parenting is directly proportional to building up a positive #society for generations to come.
What sort of society we wish to create starts from every home, every single parent who lays down the foundation for next-generation to come by putting their brick while building up the structure, thus rendering their contribution.
I may sound a bit prescriptive though, but the impact of the decision of parenting goes far beyond a family or a person.
Let’s give our future generation what and how we envisage the future society, the World to be for them collectively.
Because it is often easier to construct a new entity in the desired way from scratch than repairing an old one.

Would love to know your perception of it…

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WahWoman, Global women empowerment channel, featured women stories from 45+ countries, founded by Rajni Vohra, Ecocivilisation CountryChair-India