Roots of Life

2 min readFeb 5, 2022


Loving relationships are key to children’s mental health.
Lately, I stumbled upon some great writing which stated:
“If you are dating someone, try and find out how that person was raised. A lot of people weren’t raised in love. They were raised on survival. That’s why you see so many men/women not being able to love properly (hurting people). You’ll find a lot of good-looking people damaged inside because of their past, and you won’t realize how damaged they are until you try to love them. If you think a person’s past doesn’t affect how they see life, then you are sadly mistaken.
It resonated with me profoundly because it is so very agreeable logic and reality, of course, makes so much sense. It is just the truth- no fallacy!
I am sure each of us has crossed paths with some individuals at some point in our life who have been deprived of healthy good childhood and the impact of it surfaced in their life only in a later phase, which kept people around them always perplexed, made friends, colleagues concerned about the quirky inexplicable behavior that impacted their relationships with them invariably.

It always brings me back to the question of ‘roots’, the nurturing of that being.
Raising a #child is one of the most serious and responsible jobs on this Earth which sadly has been taken extremely lightly by most of us. ( Period)
Parents owe them- #safety, #love #education, #time & #attention
Remember, memories of #childhood are for forever.
Do you think a person damaged owing their childhood trauma can be repaired into an absolutely normal being??
or no matter how much we try, there will always be some traces left in their personality?
Looking forward to your comment




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