Overview on Education In Canada

Rajni Ankoliya
11 min readSep 25, 2017


Education In Canada

Citizens Education System In Canada:

Canadian children attend kindergarten (pre-nursery education) for one or two years at the age of four or five on a voluntary basis. All children begin Grade One at about six years of age. The School year normally runs from September through the following June but in some instances, January intake dates are possible. Secondary Schools go up to Grades 11 or 12, depending on the province. From there, students may attend University, college or Cégep studies. Cégep is a French acronym for College of General and Vocational Education, and it is two years of general or three years of technical education between high School and University. The province of Québec has the Cégep system.

Post secondary education (Higher Institution in Canada):

Postsecondary education in Canada is available in both Governments supported and private Institutions, which offer Degrees, Masters, Diplomas, Certificates, and attestations which depends on the nature of the Institution and the length of the program for which one is interested in. In Canada, the Postsecondary environment has advanced during the past few years, as Universities are no longer the only degree-awarding Institutions in some jurisdictions. A recognized Post Secondary Institution is a private or a public institution that has been given full authority to award degrees, diplomas, and other credentials by a public or private act of the provincial or territorial legislature or through a Government-mandated quality assurance mechanism.
Degree-granting Institutions in Canada focus on teaching and research. In 2004–05, Canadian Universities performed $8.9 billion worth of research and development, close to 35 percent of the national total.

In Canada, degrees are obtainable at three consecutive levels:

  • Students enter at the bachelor’s level after having completed the Secondary School or the two-year cégep program in Quebec successfully. Most Universities also have special entrance requirements and paths for mature students. Bachelor’s degrees normally require three or four years of full-time study, depending on the province and whether the program is general or specialized.
  • A master’s degree normally requires two years of study after the bachelor’s degree in Canadian universities. This also depends on the course of study.
  • For a doctoral degree, three to five years of additional study and research plus a dissertation are the normal requirements.

Please Note: Canadian universities and colleges are very flexible.

  1. If you want to change programs later, usually you can.
  2. If you want to combine two programs, there are hundreds of possibilities like communication studies and computer science or biology and psychology, or business and economics, usually you can.
  3. If you want to get two degrees at the same time, that is possible too!

Canada World Ranking in education

Canada is now the most educated country in the world, according to a recent report by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).Canada is the only nation where more than half of all adults had a tertiary education (Postsecondary education.) in 2010. After Canada comes Israel ( 45 percent) and Japan ( 44 percent).Other countries in the Top 10 bracket and the percentages of their citizens with Postsecondary education are: United States (41 percent), New Zealand (40 Percent) and South Korea (39 Percent). Norway, United Kingdom, Australia and Finland run neck and neck with 37 percent of their citizens having attained Postsecondary education.

Institutions Count in Canada:

Canada has about 163 recognized (well known)public and private Universities (including theological Schools) and 183 recognized public Colleges and institutes, including those granting applied and bachelor’s degrees. In addition to the recognized Institutions, there are 68 Universities-level Institutions and 51 college-level ones operating as authorized Institutions, in which only selected programs are approved under provincially established quality assurance programs.

General Admission Process Requirements:

Though admission process and requirements vary from institution to institution in Canada, here we’ll discuss about the most general procedures and requirements to get admission in Canadian universities.
Undergraduate requirements
Undergraduate requirements depend on the type of institution one chooses, this is usually in form of prerequisites and assessments guiding the processes involved in a certain university to offer an academic degree, which varies in different ways depending on if the student is a foreigner or a permanent resident.
For admission in undergraduate level, student must have completed twelve years of academic education, but for postgraduate level it is sixteen years.
Below you can find undergraduate requirements for most Canadian Tertiary Institutions.
All applicants to undergraduate programs must submit:

  • A completed application form;
  • An official high school transcript (or attested copy) (if applicable);
  • Official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended (if any);
  • A detailed chronological résumé to demonstrate educational achievements, work experience, progression, community involvement, volunteer experience, and other related experience; and
  • A Letter of Intent (LOI) that clearly explains why the applicant is applying and outlines the student’s academic intentions.

Applicants who completed high school or any post-secondary studies outside Canada must also submit:

  • Documentation confirming their high school completion was awarded, if not already indicated on official transcripts; and
  • Proof of English language proficiency as specified in the “English Language Proficiency” section.


Finally it is important for you to know that major languages used in Canada are English and French. But most of the universities offer courses in English language. So you need to show your efficiency by means of English Language tests. IELTS is most widely recognized and accepted English language test in Canada, however, some universities even accepts TOEFL. The score that you must obtain in these language tests vary from institution to institution and course of study students choose. Some universities even seek for other medium of English language test assessment. For management students, students may be asked for two years of work experience before being admitted to the university. In most of the cases GMAT is compulsory for MBA students.

Graduates Requirements

Graduate requirements depend on the type of institution one chooses, this is usually in form of prerequisites and assessments guiding the processes involved in a certain university to offer an academic Master’s degree or further studies, which varies in different ways depending on if the student is a foreigner or a permanent resident.
Below you can find the general graduate requirements for most institutions.

  • A completed application form;
  • Official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended;
  • Official documentation confirming professional designations, where applicable;
  • Two (2) letters of academic reference attesting to readiness for graduate studies; For those without recent academic experience, letters from employers attesting to management level experience and analytical writing skills will be acceptable;
  • A detailed chronological résumé clearly outlining educational achievements, work experience and progression, and other related experience; and
  • A Letter of Intent (LOI) that clearly explains why the applicant is applying and outlines the student’s academic intentions.

Applicants who completed undergraduate studies outside Canada must also submit:

  • Documentation confirming their degree was awarded, if not already indicated on official transcripts;
  • A credential evaluation from a recognized service confirming equivalency if the applicant submits a credential from an unrecognized institution or if additional analysis is required by the Admissions Committee; and
  • Proof of English language proficiency.

Note: Where transcripts are in a language other than English, the applicant must provide a notarized English translation of the original transcripts from a certified translator or on official letterhead stationery from the secondary school plus an official original transcript from the institution to the UCW Registrar.

scholarship programs in Canada

Canada is committed to participation in international study and research partnerships that build understanding among peoples, develop global citizens and leaders, and contribute to the development of nations.

Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT) is responsible for the Government of Canada’s participation in major International Scholarship Programs. DFAIT provides support to international scholars in Canada, which is often reciprocated by foreign governments which support Canadian scholars in their countries.

Work and Study In Canada

It is possible to work in Canada, while you are here as a student, under any Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s (CIC’s) work programs for students. In most cases, you will need to apply for a student work permit. Working in Canada can go a long way towards helping you establish business contacts for the future and can even help you immigrate after graduation.
You may work on campus at the institution where you study without a work permit if you are;

  1. A full-time student at a public post-secondary institution, such as a college or university, or a collège d’enseignement général et professionnel (CEGEP) in Quebec.
  2. A full-time student at a private post-secondary institution that operates under the same rules and regulations as a public institution, and receives at least 50 percent of its financing for its overall operations from government grants (currently only private college-level educational institutions in Quebec qualify).
  3. A full-time student at a Canadian private institution authorized by provincial statute to confer degrees..

Off Campus

You can also work on campus if you have a valid study permit, You can also work off campus but you must have a work permit. The work permit authorizes you to work up to 20 hours per week during regular academic sessions, and full time during scheduled breaks (for example, winter and summer holidays, and spring break). A work permit does not guarantee that you will find a job. It is your responsibility to look for work. Even if you work off campus, your studies must be the main reason you are in Canada.

University and College Programs

In Canada, there are more than 11,000 undergraduate and graduate degree programs offered in Universities, as well as professional degree programs and Certificates. Most Institutions provide instruction in either English or French; others offer instruction in both official languages.
In Canada, Colleges and institutes offer a range of vocation-oriented programs in a wide variety of professional and technical fields, including business, health, applied arts, technology, and social services. Some of the Institutions are specialized and provide training in a single field such as fisheries, arts, paramedical technology, and agriculture. Colleges also provide literacy and academic upgrading programs, pre-employment and pre-apprenticeship programs, and the in-class portions of registered apprenticeship programs. As well, many different workshops, short programs, and upgrades for skilled workers and professionals are made available for students.

Guide Lines to Applying for Admission in Canadian Universities

If you want to apply for admission in any Canadian Universities or Colleges! It is advisable you ask yourself these questions;
a. Have I made the necessary researches I needed to?
b. Are the people I contacted really professions and would be willing to help me all the way?
c. Have I selected a course of my choice?
d. How long is the duration of my course of choice? As many courses may last longer than you expect.
e. What are the necessary steps to obtaining my Visa or study permit?
f. Where is Canada Located in the world?
g. What is the climate (weather) condition of the country
h. How much do I have in my bank account?
i. How will I sustain myself when I get there?
j. What is the type of food they have over there?
k. What is my source of income?
l. How can I cope with the standard of education there?
m. What language do they instruct with?
n. If my primary language is English, how fluent am I in it?
o. What is my qualification?
p. What is my academic assessment?
q. Where can I get expert advice or counseling on all my dealings?
r. Have I really decided?
s. What do I need to know about the country?
t. How is my country going to assist me in all my processes?
u. Will my age determine my studies?
v. What is the cost of living there?
w. Which institution is the best I can afford?
x. Do I have attitude problems?
y. What do I think will be my major challenge when I get there?
z. And finally how and where do I start now?

If you have answers to the above questions, then you are likely to be on track. Please contact us for the for more information because we are here to guide you through the whole process.

More on Work and study in Canada:

Studying in Canada means you can also work while studying. You can even get a three-year work permit after graduation if you apply for it. The basic fat is that it is not too difficult to become a permanent resident after graduation. If you want, it is also possible to become a Canadian permanent Citiizen as soon as 2 years after your graduation!
You may be able to work on or off campus in Canada while you are there as a student. There may also be limited employment opportunities for graduate students, such as teaching assistantships or research assistantships; if you are studying for a master’s degree or a Ph.D., You may be able to work at your Institution as a teaching or research assistant. You should inquire about this possibility when you apply for admission.

Distance education:

There are many Canadian Universities and Colleges that offer courses and programs online. This is for the advantage of those who would not afford going to Canada for studies or those who would want to acquire extra Knowledge about their chosen profession without having to travel all the way to Canada. If you are not able to go to Canada, you can earn a recognized Canadian degree, diploma, or certificate without leaving home. More information about on-line and distance education is available at Canadian Universities.

Working in Canada after Graduation

If you want to work after completing your studies in Canada, you may be eligible to apply for a post-graduation work permit. The following programs can help facilitate this process for eligible candidates:
The Post-Graduate Work Program
This is the program that allows international students who have graduated from a participating Canadian post-secondary institution (University or College) to gain valuable Canadian work experience through a special work permit issued for the length of the study program, up to 3 years.
You will be Eligible if you:

  • Studied full time in Canada.
  • Graduated from a public post-secondary institution, a private post-secondary institution, or a private institution authorized by provincial statute to confer degrees.
  • Studied in a program that was at least 8 months long.
  • Applied for the work permit within 90 days of receiving written confirmation that you have completed your academic program.
  • Have received notification that you are eligible to obtain your degree, diploma or certificate.
  • Have a valid study permit when you apply.

The Canadian Experience Class
This program allows international students who have graduated from a participating Canadian post-secondary institution (University or College) to apply to permanently stay in Canada. In order to qualify, you must already be familiar with Canadian society, be able to communicate in English or French, have qualifying work experience, and also be able to contribute to the Canadian economy.
You will be eligible if you:

  • Plan to live outside of the province of Quebec.
  • Graduated from a Canadian post-secondary institution with at least 1 year of full-time (or equivalent) skilled work experience in Canada.
  • Gained work experience in Canada with the proper work or study authorization.
  • Submitted your application while working in Canada — or — within 1 year of leaving your job in Canada.
  • Have completed an independent language assessment (from an agency designated by Citizenship and Immigration Canada)

For more information, contact us.

